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clintjm 05-07-2010 03:37 PM


Originally Posted by SSJup81 (Post 811227)
I agree with this entirely, and don't understand why others don't seem to complain about it. Illegal immigrants wouldn't be working in the country if people didn't hire them in the first place. To me, it's like tossing the drug addict in jail as opposed to the actual dealer.

IMO, we need something like a temporary work visa type situation since, as some said, some people don't come here for a citizenship, some come here in search of work to help their families. Maybe if the US could issue some kind of visa for that specifically, maybe the problems with illegal immigration would lessen.

I agree companies should be fined and punished if found they willingly hired an illegal.
Some look the other way. Still stolen SS #s continue to be used.
The E-verify system isn't pefect yet.

The Bush Guest Worker program would have been a start.
Then again at this rate we wouldn't be able to ask for Guest Worker program papers anyway if a guest worker was stopped.

samurai007 05-07-2010 04:00 PM


Originally Posted by MMM (Post 811211)
To say they don't pay taxes is baloney. Yes, they do not file tax returns, but that is different than "not paying taxes".

Why doesn't the government come after those that employ them? That would be much easier than going after the the individual illegal employee.

When your W-4 says Married and 8 Dependents, your tax withholding is very, very low, especially if you aren't being paid top dollar.

As for why, well, too many politicians see the illegals (and legal Hispanic sympathizers) as a voting bloc to be wooed, so there's a few ICE raids here and there for show, a few penalties on employers to make it look good, but they largely turn a blind eye to both.

clintjm 05-07-2010 04:08 PM


Originally Posted by samurai007 (Post 811237)
As for why, well, too many politicians see the illegals (and legal Hispanic sympathizers) as a voting bloc to be wooed, so there's a few ICE raids here and there for show, a few penalties on employers to make it look good, but they largely turn a blind eye to both.

It is a dirty little secret that illegals do vote even though they can't legally vote.

vegna 05-07-2010 05:25 PM


Originally Posted by clintjm (Post 811238)
It is a dirty little secret that illegals do vote even though they can't legally vote.

To register in MA, you need to prove that you are a US citizen and proof of resident as well being older than 18. I doubt that illegals vote here.

clintjm 05-07-2010 06:23 PM


Originally Posted by vegna (Post 811240)
To register in MA, you need to prove that you are a US citizen and proof of resident as well being older than 18. I doubt that illegals vote here.

True but not all states.
California is a big state.

TalnSG 05-07-2010 07:16 PM


Originally Posted by vegna (Post 811240)
To register in MA, you need to prove that you are a US citizen and proof of resident as well being older than 18. I doubt that illegals vote here.

Your doubt is misguided. There are those with forged papers in MA. They are often transplanted Canadians who no one thinks twice about. But there are instances of fraudulent papers being found up there, just like down on the Mexican border. I would imagine the reverse is more common, but its not exclusive.

MMM 05-07-2010 07:48 PM


Originally Posted by clintjm (Post 811234)
Your right, the Mexican kids shunning and complaining that the kids wearing something with the American flag on it, in America, should be taught proper respect.

No, the kids weren't wearing an actual flag. That would be disrepecting the flag.
Please read the actual article. Your link is irrelevant. That would keep the president from wearing a American flag pin etc.

It is a sad day when we can't display the flag in America.

Even more surprising the were kicked off campus and asked for an apology.

There you go MMM, your favorite source for news:
Students Kicked Off Campus for Wearing American Flag Tees - NBCBAYAREA- msnbc.com

Notice the reason wasn't for improper display of the red, white and blue.

1) I never said MSNBC is my favorite source for news. Just because I don't agree with you on many things does not automatically make me a MSNBC follower.


Originally Posted by clintjm (Post 811234)
Your right, the Mexican kids shunning and complaining that the kids wearing something with the American flag on it, in America, should be taught proper respect.

2) Interesting that you blame this unfortunate situation on the "Mexican kids". I went back and reread the article and nowhere does it say Hispanic students, leaders, or ANYBODY complained or shunned the students for wearing the American flag.

How did you come to that conclusion?


Originally Posted by samurai007 (Post 811210)
They don't pay their full amount... they all know to claim "Married" and 8 or 9 Dependents, which reduces withholding to a very minimal amount, and then they don't file taxes to pay the remaining amount or prove that they really have that many dependents. If/when the govt starts coming after them for not filing, they change IDs again. I've seen this many times.

Nine dependents? What a great way to get audited. Trust me, the don't claim nine dependents. They get ripped off at work and keep their mouths shut.


Originally Posted by clintjm (Post 811238)
It is a dirty little secret that illegals do vote even though they can't legally vote.

You do know that most of the Hispanic individuals living in America are citizens are are here legally, right? Not every Latino living in the US is from another country, just as not every African American living in the US was born in Africa.

clintjm 05-07-2010 08:52 PM


Originally Posted by MMM (Post 811258)
MMM:" 2) Interesting that you blame this unfortunate situation on the "Mexican kids". I went back and reread the article and nowhere does it say Hispanic students, leaders, or ANYBODY complained or shunned the students for wearing the American flag. How did you come to that conclusion?"

Here you go:

"Some Mexican-American students KTVU spoke with said they thought wearing red, white and blue on Cinco de Mayo was disrespectful. “It’s just kinda disrespectful that they would do that on this day,” said student Victoria Wright. “I mean, we don’t go around on 4th of July wearing red white and green and saying ‘Viva Mexico,’ because that’s disrespectful.”"

And the leaders were the school principal(s).

There is video too if you want.

You don't actually support what went down here do you?


Originally Posted by MMM (Post 811258)
MMM:" You do know that most of the Hispanic individuals living in America are citizens are are here legally, right? Not every Latino living in the US is from another country, just as not every African American living in the US was born in Africa."

Well duh. What does that have to do with anything I was talking about?

MMM 05-07-2010 09:18 PM


Originally Posted by clintjm (Post 811268)
Here you go:

"Some Mexican-American students KTVU spoke with said they thought wearing red, white and blue on Cinco de Mayo was disrespectful. “It’s just kinda disrespectful that they would do that on this day,” said student Victoria Wright. “I mean, we don’t go around on 4th of July wearing red white and green and saying ‘Viva Mexico,’ because that’s disrespectful.”"

And the leaders were the school principal(s).

There is video too if you want.

You don't actually support what went down here do you?

Well duh. What does that have to do with anything I was talking about?

Your link quotes that quote from KTVU, but that quote isn't in the story it is linked to.

My point is, it wasn't the "Mexican kids" that complained that got the boys with flags on their clothes in trouble. It was a decision made completely by school officials.

If you dig a little deeper you will find that there were problems on Cinco de Mayo the previous year, and the school had made a rule about wearing the American flag on that day. So it isn't as if these boys were blindsided.

Do I think it is a good rule? Of course not. I do not support the school's position of telling people they cannot wear American flags on their clothing. Did you really think I would?

And on the last point, I was getting the impression you thought politicians appeal to Hispanic votes because illegal immigrants vote illegally. In reality illegal immigrants tend not to vote, and that politicians appeal to Hispanic voters because the vast majority of Hispanic voters are legal voters.

clintjm 05-08-2010 01:11 AM


Originally Posted by MMM (Post 811271)
Your link quotes that quote from KTVU, but that quote isn't in the story it is linked to.

Again I'm going to have to ask you grep around the Internet once in a while yourself. Again I refuse to spoon feed you information on topics after you reply to them.


Originally Posted by MMM (Post 811271)
My point is, it wasn't the "Mexican kids" that complained that got the boys with flags on their clothes in trouble. It was a decision made completely by school officials.

Are you and I reading the same story?
It was. They caused an uproar that about "being disrespected and demanding an apology". That didn't come from school officials.

Notice also that one of the boys wearing the flag has a Hispanic background, so race is off the table here.

And it gets better

"More than 200 Hispanic students reportedly skipped class on Thursday and marched to school district headquarters while chanting "we want respect" and "si se puede" -- "yes we can," the Morgan Hill Times reported."

FOXNews.com - California Principal Apologizes for Forbidding U.S. Flag Shirts on Mexican Holiday


Originally Posted by MMM (Post 811271)
If you dig a little deeper you will find that there were problems on Cinco de Mayo the previous year, and the school had made a rule about wearing the American flag on that day. So it isn't as if these boys were blindsided.

Gonna call you on this. I *demand* links to a story about a rule on wearing the American flag made at some point at this school. I KNOW that would of made headline news. No Ehow links.

Also since when do people have to prepare to be blindsided about wearing the American flag anytime of the year in America?


Originally Posted by MMM (Post 811271)
Do I think it is a good rule? Of course not. I do not support the school's position of telling people they cannot wear American flags on their clothing. Did you really think I would?

Well your first post on the matter about someone should teach those kids not to disrespect the flag by wearing American flag T-shirts and posting that link leads me to believe this. What is that all about? Sounds like you have a problem with it.


Originally Posted by MMM (Post 811271)
And on the last point, I was getting the impression you thought politicians appeal to Hispanic votes because illegal immigrants vote illegally. In reality illegal immigrants tend not to vote, and that politicians appeal to Hispanic voters because the vast majority of Hispanic voters are legal voters.

it is more at the state level illegal voting takes its toll. Plus I don't believe what you write for one second with Amnesty back on the table again.

mmm mmm mmm mmm mmmm si se puede!

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