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(#31 (permalink))
steven (Offline)
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09-07-2010, 05:15 AM

I would think that Japanese rice would cost more... so it didn't make much sense to me. However, supposedly the "rich" in China amount closely to the entire population of Japan. So maybe there is that "niche" market for that kind of import in China.

Cranks, I would like to learn more about "the communists in schools, Korean lobbyists, bureaucratic inertia, etc." Could you elaborate on that?
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(#32 (permalink))
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09-07-2010, 08:37 AM

Originally Posted by cranks View Post
It's actually America that wants Japan to show more military presence in the world, and it's America that wants Japan to not export so many cars to the states. So yeah, I agree Japan needs to reduce the degree of "reliance" on the states, but I don't think that means "distancing". And in order to do so, Japan needs to take care of her own problems like the communists in schools, Korean lobbyists, bureaucratic inertia, etc.
You say that like "America" is one voice. There are those that feel like Japan should defend itself as it is one of the biggest economies in the world, but then again there are those that are happy to take the responsibility on.

These little problems in Japan like Communist schools and Korean lobbyists are minor blips on the radar. Bureaucratic inertia is part of Japan's cultural imperative.
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(#33 (permalink))
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09-07-2010, 03:26 PM

Originally Posted by GoNative View Post
Theres almost always a 3rd party involved. People normally secure the rights to distribute certain brands within a country. So I would assume some enterprising Japanese entrepreneur approached Gucci to distribute their brand in Japan. I assume he and his company would be reaping it in!
I don't have proof. Do you?
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(#34 (permalink))
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09-07-2010, 03:36 PM

Originally Posted by Sangetsu View Post
Here's an example, a Fall 2010 Marc Jacobs bag retails for 90,000 yen at Seibu department store in Ginza. The same bag retails for $380 at the Marc Jacobs store in Boston. When you consider the difference in the currency exchange rate at the moment, the bag sells for exactly three times as much in Japan as it does in America. By all rights, with the strong yen, the bag should only cost 30,000 yen in Japan. But once you add the Japanese tariffs on such goods, and the percentages which go to the distributor and retailer, the price becomes as typically outrageous as Japanese prices on luxury goods tend to be. And yes, all this extra money stays in Japan.
One problem. Even though the Boston stores are called Marc Jacobs, they also go thru a third party right? The argument is all stores selling GUCCI are going thru third parties. I know there are GUCCI stores in Japan, like they have 54 of them or something like that. Why would the GUCCI stores in Japan go thru a third party and the Marc Jacobs in Boston not? Otherwise this whole argument got blown out of the water.
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(#35 (permalink))
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09-07-2010, 03:45 PM

Originally Posted by Sangetsu View Post
America is not and has not been afraid of Cuba, America was afraid of the spread of a misguided ideology that has lead the deaths of countless millions of people. The Cuban missile crisis happened not long after Stalin's purges, and just before Chin's "Cultural Revolution". America was not wrong to fight this ideological disease and prevent it's spread.
I totally disagree. The U.S. almost went to war with Russia over it. The U.S. pretty much cut off Cuba from the world( the U.S. and its Alias) to try to strangle it into submission. It didn't work an to this day, U.S. hasn't changed its overall policy towards Cuba even though U.S.- Russian relations have totally changed.

What is the core of your argument? It sounds to me like:
1) US in Japan is good because U.S. is a pious nation.
2) USSR in Cuba is bad because Soviets are evil.

I'm saying:
1) China and Russia feel threatened with U.S. in Japan
2) U.S. felt threatened with Russia in Cuba.
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(#36 (permalink))
GoNative (Offline)
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09-07-2010, 03:49 PM

There certainly are Gucci stores in Japan. Are they all company owned or are they franchises? I've no idea can't be bothered checking.
In my experience in the outdoors industry in Australia (many years back) if there is an overseas manufacturer of a product you want to sell in your country then your can approach them for a distributor lisence. Depending on how big the market is you can sometimes negotiate to be the sole distributor or there may be a number of lisences available. You are then basically the main wholesaler for that product in your country supplying retail stores that wish to stock the product.
Not sure if it's any different in Japan but for many products I suspect not.
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(#37 (permalink))
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09-07-2010, 04:53 PM

So the bottom line is both Sangetsu or GoNative really don't know. For lack of proof(myself included). I'll assume the general Idea that imports benefit the importer most and hurt the domestic industry were they are competing in.

That is why nation place tariffs and hammer out trade agreements. Imports are not automatically good for both parties.

This topic is too big, I'm going to open a new thread to narrow the talk to the key element to distancing from U.S.
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(#38 (permalink))
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09-07-2010, 06:38 PM

Originally Posted by chiuchimu View Post
So the bottom line is both Sangetsu or GoNative really don't know. For lack of proof(myself included). I'll assume the general Idea that imports benefit the importer most and hurt the domestic industry were they are competing in.

That is why nation place tariffs and hammer out trade agreements. Imports are not automatically good for both parties.

This topic is too big, I'm going to open a new thread to narrow the talk to the key element to distancing from U.S.
If there was no benefit to exporting, no one would do it. Imports benefit both parties. If exporters accept high tariffs, they accept high tariffs. They always have the option to choose not to sell.
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(#39 (permalink))
cranks (Offline)
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09-07-2010, 09:10 PM

Originally Posted by steven View Post
Cranks, I would like to learn more about "the communists in schools, Korean lobbyists, bureaucratic inertia, etc." Could you elaborate on that?
mmm, it's a looong story, but in a nutshell,

1 The communists in schools

There is a Japanese teacher's association called 日教組 that consists of 30% of all Japanese school teachers. They are basically a group of communists that opposes any Japanese military action, or even the Japanese flag and anthem. They think Japan should abandon all military forces, and at the same time, they want the US to be out of Japan. They oppose "ALL" Japanese and American military forces.

This kind of communist groups are making it very difficult if not impossible for Japan to take any internationally responsible military action. For example, there is currently no Japanese force in Afghanistan. And if Japan can not take responsible military actions, the US CAN NOT go out of Japan.

2 The Korean lobbyists.

There are 2 major Korean political organizations in Japan. 朝鮮総連(総連) is North Korean, and 韓国民潭(民潭) is South Korean. As you probably guessed it, 総連 is the big problem now so I'll just talk about this one.

総連 is basically a branch of North Korean government in Japan. They run their own schools that teach North Korean propaganda and had a bank called 朝銀信用組合 that dealt only with north koreans. This bank, now bankrupted, was alleged to be sending money to North Korea to support its government. 総連 holds a degree of political influence to Japanese government through lobbying. For example, When 朝銀 became bankrupt, about a billion US dollars worth of tax money was thrown into it despite the alleged illegal money transfers and the fact that it does business exclusively with North Koreans. Another example is the recent Japanese government's announcement that their schools, 朝鮮学校, will be subsidized 100% by the government even though they are not legally considered schools due to it's curriculum. Having North Korean influence in the government is a serious problem especially when it comes to defense issues.

3 Bureaucratic inertia

Well, I guess we all know about this one, 天下り and all, but if I am to bring up one example, it will be cars. I own a Jeep Wrangler in the states. I payed $22k for the car, about $1000 for the sales tax and around $500 for the first year's registration. I got a license here too and it costed me about 30 bucks. In Japan though, I would need to pay freaking 4 different taxes, 消費税, 自動車税, 自動車重量税 and 自動車取得税 which probably would add up to $4000 or so. I would also need to prove that I had a space to keep the car. 車検 (vehicle inspection) every 2 to 3 years is mandatory. Getting a license costs $2000 and 60 hours of classes and driving sessions. A lot of roads are toll roads, and you have go through the gates at walking speed. They are complaining that the car sales is record low in Japan, but It seems to me they actually want to ban cars. You can't expect to expand domestic market with the policies like this.

Last edited by cranks : 09-07-2010 at 10:44 PM.
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(#40 (permalink))
cranks (Offline)
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09-07-2010, 09:11 PM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
You say that like "America" is one voice. There are those that feel like Japan should defend itself as it is one of the biggest economies in the world, but then again there are those that are happy to take the responsibility on.

These little problems in Japan like Communist schools and Korean lobbyists are minor blips on the radar. Bureaucratic inertia is part of Japan's cultural imperative.
Sure, American "people" have different opinions, and "America" wants such and such is a very simplified view. My point though was that it was American government that requested Japan to send its force to Iraq and Afghanistan. the US also supports Japan joining the UN Security Council, and It is generally understood that it wants Japan to take more military "responsibilities", for example, Alexander Arvizu, one of the high ranking American Deplomats, expressed the need for Japan to "deal with more difficult situations"should Japan join the security council, alluding to actual combat operations. 自衛隊、危険な任務にも 安保理常任理事国の条件 - 47NEWS(よんななニュース)

My position on the radar blips is in the post above.
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