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Brass 10-18-2010 11:23 PM

Does the Yakuza allow forgieners to join?
Assume this post is for educational purposes only.

I would suspect the Yakuza is native Japanese only but I was wondering if they make any exceptions to this rule if you have proven yourself to them. Of course you would not rise to any high positions but I wonder if any foreigners have made it into the lower level of the family.

If not, is it possible to get a job working for them if you are a foreigner?

spicytuna 10-19-2010 02:35 AM

I hear they only accept guys who are attractive enough to pick up Japanese girls.

AnthonyHisashi 10-19-2010 02:45 AM


Originally Posted by spicytuna (Post 833558)
I hear they only accept guys who are attractive enough to pick up Japanese girls.

step back and Let me handle this then guys;) haha jk :mtongue:

GoNative 10-19-2010 03:07 AM

I've never heard of a foreigner being accepted into the Yakuza but then I haven't really looked at it too much. I have had quite a bit of contact with the local Yakuza in my area and have helped them with advice on ideas on businesses that the foreign tourists that come here may be interested in. Overall though, like anywhere in the world, unless you're a crimnal yourself it's best not to get involved with organised criminal organisations. Good way to get your butt kicked out of Japan for good.

BakaTensei 10-19-2010 03:10 AM

cant help but be impressed by their tattoos

Sangetsu 10-19-2010 06:27 AM

Half the swastika-wearing nationalist nuts driving the black speaker trucks around Japan are Yakuza. The only foreigners who work for the yaks are the occasional Nigerian hustlers, and prostitutes. You aren't very bright if you want to associate yourself with these animals.

Most people who are gangsters because they were too stupid to pass the junior high school entrance exams, or they committed enough crimes in their youth that their records are too bad to get a regular job.

Wanting to be in the Yakuza is worse than wanting to be a garbage collector or a slaughter house worker, why are you aiming so low? Yaks are simply people who, through stupidity or irresponsibility, can't do anything better. It's not cool to be a gangster, and these tattooed losers are held in contempt by Japanese society.

JasonTakeshi 10-19-2010 07:15 AM


Originally Posted by Sangetsu (Post 833600)
Half the swastika-wearing nationalist nuts driving the black speaker trucks around Japan are Yakuza. The only foreigners who work for the yaks are the occasional Nigerian hustlers, and prostitutes. You aren't very bright if you want to associate yourself with these animals.

Most people who are gangsters because they were too stupid to pass the junior high school entrance exams, or they committed enough crimes in their youth that their records are too bad to get a regular job.

Wanting to be in the Yakuza is worse than wanting to be a garbage collector or a slaughter house worker, why are you aiming so low? Yaks are simply people who, through stupidity or irresponsibility, can't do anything better. It's not cool to be a gangster, and these tattooed losers are held in contempt by Japanese society.

What do you mean by that? Since when wanting to be a garbage collector or a slaughter house worker is a bad thing?

I wonder what would happen if every garbage collector stop doing their work. I can already sense the freshy smell in the morning.

Oh! And by the way, I don't know how's in the States or in Japan, but here in Europe (mostly) "garbage collector" (night shift) is actually a relatively well payed job.


On Topic: Yes, there are alot of people. Just google it.

yuujirou 10-19-2010 07:34 AM


Originally Posted by JasonTakeshi (Post 833604)
What do you mean by that? Since when wanting to be a garbage collector or a slaughter house worker is a bad thing?

I wonder what would happen if every garbage collector stop doing their work. I can already sense the freshy smell in the morning.

Oh! And by the way, I don't know how's in the States or in Japan, but here in Europe (mostly) "garbage collector" (night shift) is actually a relatively well payed job.


On Topic: Yes, there are alot of people. Just google it.

Just to address the respect of a job~
A job is not respectable based on it's pay but the idea that society has of it.

In a kitchen, the dish washer is the least favoured job, yet the absolute most important in the entire kitchen.
Most people, when they hear "dish washer", they think of a low income, low class person working the position, while the chef is held in higher regard.

evanny 10-19-2010 08:16 AM

pfff...let there be dish washers rather than those millions on pointless office jobs that achieve nothing, create nothing and are created for sole purpose of satisfying lazy Americans who are ok with their lives in the cube.

yuujirou 10-19-2010 08:31 AM


Originally Posted by evanny (Post 833609)
pfff...let there be dish washers rather than those millions on pointless office jobs that achieve nothing, create nothing and are created for sole purpose of satisfying lazy Americans who are ok with their lives in the cube.

Alas, an office job has become a 'respectable' position in this society~

evanny 10-19-2010 08:33 AM


Originally Posted by yuujirou (Post 833613)
Alas, an office job has become a 'respectable' position in this society~

for all the wrong reasons.

yuujirou 10-19-2010 08:56 AM


Originally Posted by evanny (Post 833614)
for all the wrong reasons.

very few things in this world are done for the 'right' reasons

GoNative 10-19-2010 10:10 AM


Originally Posted by evanny (Post 833609)
pfff...let there be dish washers rather than those millions on pointless office jobs that achieve nothing, create nothing and are created for sole purpose of satisfying lazy Americans who are ok with their lives in the cube.

Apart from being one of the more ridiculous comments you've ever made I would say Japan beats the US hands down when it comes to lazy office workers who like to live their lives in the cube!

evanny 10-19-2010 10:41 AM


Originally Posted by GoNative (Post 833623)
Apart from being one of the more ridiculous comments you've ever made I would say Japan beats the US hands down when it comes to lazy office workers who like to live their lives in the cube!

part of america was just an example. arab countrys take that to the next level.
whats so funny? i belive a dishwasher is more useful than BS paper pusher whos job exists only so that government that can't create actual jobs where something is made woudnt lose voters. hence - americas economy were people are paid for doing nothing of value.
P.S everything in this text is generalized of course.

JasonTakeshi 10-19-2010 11:58 AM


Originally Posted by yuujirou (Post 833605)
Just to address the respect of a job~
A job is not respectable based on it's pay but the idea that society has of it.

In a kitchen, the dish washer is the least favoured job, yet the absolute most important in the entire kitchen.
Most people, when they hear "dish washer", they think of a low income, low class person working the position, while the chef is held in higher regard.

Don't know how it is in the States, but here people generally respect the profession of garbage collector. Atleast in the places I've been.

They are the ones who clean the sh*t we make. That deserves some respect to say the least.

Or maybe you're associating respect with prestige.

Sinestra 10-19-2010 01:01 PM


Originally Posted by yuujirou (Post 833603)
At least they dress better than the lot of niggerfaggots that infect the American suburbs with their "gangsta" selves~
American gangsters are pathetic compared to the rest of the world.

sigh yuujiro im sure there was a more tasteful way to get that thought across without breaking out the N word which everyone thinks is ok to throw around nowadays. Regardless. suburbs are a different story all i see is a bunch of Caucasian middle class boys thinking their hard because they want to emulate a life style they know nothing about. I know some areas where "pathetic" would not apply and you would be lucky to make it out with your limbs attached.

Anyway im not sure why anyone would want to glorify this lifestyle i dont care what country you live in. Most people end up in this sort of life because they couldn't or wouldn't do anything to better themselves. A life of crime regardless if its a petty thief or a full blow crime syndicate should never glorified actually make something out of your life unless a life of crime hurting other, stealing from other and murdering is what you really want then by all means go for it.

dogsbody70 10-19-2010 01:14 PM

Yakuza - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

not sure how correct this is.

dogsbody70 10-19-2010 01:16 PM


Originally Posted by GoNative (Post 833623)
Apart from being one of the more ridiculous comments you've ever made I would say Japan beats the US hands down when it comes to lazy office workers who like to live their lives in the cube!

Is that a fact? I thought that they were supposed to be extremely hard working and for long hours. Have things changed?

ARoomwithaMOOSE 10-19-2010 01:49 PM


Originally Posted by yuujirou (Post 833603)
At least they dress better than the lot of niggerfaggots that infect the American suburbs with their "gangsta" selves~
American gangsters are pathetic compared to the rest of the world.

Damn Man,
I think I love you^^

In all the research that I have done on Japan I have never once heard of an "American" Yakuza member (that would just be plain wrong,if you ask me).
I have the up most respect for the Yakuza (in the way I respect a shark):D I just can't see them wanting a bunch of American "home boys" hanging around.
Besides they are really big on "honor" from what I hear and MOST guys (I said most guys not all guys) in the states just wouldn't make the cut.
Not sure why any one would want to "live" like that seeing as how that is not really a fun life style?_?
(gotta love the tattoo's though)

GoNative 10-19-2010 02:02 PM


Originally Posted by dogsbody70 (Post 833642)
Is that a fact? I thought that they were supposed to be extremely hard working and for long hours. Have things changed?

They work long, long hours but do they work efficiently or especially hard? Well let's just say in my experience here, no they don't. On the whole I'd say many companies here employ way more people than you would find in similar sized companies in the west.

I'd almost go so far to categorize Japan as a socialist country in a weird sense. It's not just the government though looking after the people it's companies hiring far more people than what is needed to get the job done efficiently. Companies here unlike western companies trying to cut costs and improve efficiency generally don't lay off large portions of their workforce. They negotiate lower pay across the board, they don't pay their executives ridiculous wages compared to the average worker and basically do all they can to keep as many people employed as possible. Although Japan may seem to outsiders as some sort of amazingly technologically advanced country they rarely seem to go for technological solutions that would displace a whole lot of workers from their jobs. I've even seen people in government offices using an abacus!

Obviously not all companies are like this but many of the big old ones are. so you have large amounts of workers turning up for work and spending 12+ hours sitting around the workplace with little more than a couple of hours of genuine work to get done each day. They'll sit at their desk all day, barely chatting to each other looking as though they are busy but in reality getting very little done. Still they have a job and if they continue this until retirement the company will generally look after them pretty well with a nice pension pakage.

So I'd say many companies here are actually terribly inefficient but hey you have a society where most people are still employed (even if many are paid pretty poorly) and you don't hardly have any of the crime and issues caused by unemployment and poverty found in many western countries.

GoNative 10-19-2010 02:09 PM


Originally Posted by ARoomwithaMOOSE (Post 833649)
Besides they are really big on "honor" from what I hear and MOST guys (I said most guys not all guys) in the states just wouldn't make the cut.

Not sure they are that big on honor really. No more than pretty much any other organized criminal gangs and groups out there. Sure there is honor but like any criminal gang anywhere it's a fairly twisted sort of honor. I get along really well with the local Yakuza and have spent many nights drinking and chatting with them but they're still just criminals, little different to criminals anywhere in the world.

yuujirou 10-19-2010 05:53 PM


Originally Posted by Sinestra (Post 833640)
sigh yuujiro im sure there was a more tasteful way to get that thought across without breaking out the N word which everyone thinks is ok to throw around nowadays. Regardless. suburbs are a different story all i see is a bunch of Caucasian middle class boys thinking their hard because they want to emulate a life style they know nothing about. I know some areas where "pathetic" would not apply and you would be lucky to make it out with your limbs attached.

Anyway im not sure why anyone would want to glorify this lifestyle i dont care what country you live in. Most people end up in this sort of life because they couldn't or wouldn't do anything to better themselves. A life of crime regardless if its a petty thief or a full blow crime syndicate should never glorified actually make something out of your life unless a life of crime hurting other, stealing from other and murdering is what you really want then by all means go for it.

A tasteful alternative? yes, there are other ways for me to have phrased that, but none of them would produce the same effect. I personally have very little respect for gangsters and as such sought to express it as accurately as possible.

I am one that chooses his words carefully. I don't typically throw words around meaninglessly and pointlessly.

yuujirou 10-19-2010 05:58 PM


Originally Posted by JasonTakeshi (Post 833636)
Don't know how it is in the States, but here people generally respect the profession of garbage collector. Atleast in the places I've been.

They are the ones who clean the sh*t we make. That deserves some respect to say the least.

Or maybe you're associating respect with prestige.

Just because you 'deserve' something doesn't mean you'll always get it.
In this context, prestige and respect are nearly synonymous.
One doesn't go w/o accompanying the other.

I'm a chef. I understand the importance of the less prestigious jobs out there, and have come to respect them more for their work.

But atm, I'm stereotyping the typical american view point.

MMM 10-19-2010 06:51 PM

Please get back on topic.

Please choose your words with more care. Derogatory words and racist epitaphs will not be tolerated. If you disagree, feel free to PM me.

Koir 10-19-2010 06:58 PM


Originally Posted by MMM (Post 833693)
Please get back on topic.

Please choose your words with more care. Derogatory words and racist epitaphs will not be tolerated. If you disagree, feel free to PM me.

It's "epithets" if I'm not mistaken, MMM. But yeah, this thread really went off the rails from the topic to "what annoys me about the modern business world" quite fast.

As for the topic:

I don't think the Yakuza are the Girl Guides. They don't hold membership drives as enough people come to them from local areas. Thinking that they do only shows confusion between reality and playing "Shenmue" and "Yakuza" games too much.

BakaTensei 10-19-2010 07:10 PM


Originally Posted by Koir (Post 833694)
It's "epithets" if I'm not mistaken, MMM. But yeah, this thread really went off the rails from the topic to "what annoys me about the modern business world" quite fast.

As for the topic:

I don't think the Yakuza are the Girl Guides. They don't hold membership drives as enough people come to them from local areas. Thinking that they do only shows confusion between reality and playing "Shenmue" and "Yakuza" games too much.

you can never play to much shenmue...thats why they made shenmue 2! but yea, I've never heard of any none japanese yakusa members before. put sure if you really want to be part of a organised crime synicate you can always start your own gajin yakusa

JasonTakeshi 10-19-2010 11:59 PM


Originally Posted by yuujirou (Post 833685)
Just because you 'deserve' something doesn't mean you'll always get it.
In this context, prestige and respect are nearly synonymous.
One doesn't go w/o accompanying the other.

I'm a chef. I understand the importance of the less prestigious jobs out there, and have come to respect them more for their work.
But atm, I'm stereotyping the typical american view point.


Originally Posted by JasonTakeshi (Post 833636)
Don't know how it is in the States, but here people generally respect the profession of garbage collector. Atleast in the places I've been.

There should be more people like you in the States.

And this is the end of my off-topic.

Dayanx 10-20-2010 03:09 AM

There seem to be many similarities between all forms of organized crime. Due to the operational security likely had in a family- they usually start off as a family system, with a patriarchal hierarchy. Some form of military influence is also apparent, whether it be the Italian Mafiosi's beginnings with the Roman culture's patronus tu cliente, or with Japanese rogue ronin.

cranks 10-20-2010 05:13 AM

Here is the photo of the top 95 Yakuza bosses of Yamaguchi-gumi (which controls 70% of all Yakuzas in Japan)

You can see half of them look just like salary men out there on the street and they actually are. A lot of them are more like crooked, unscrupulous business men who don't have any conscience. So I'm sure they would love to have foreigners who were like ex-Goldman and Sacks traders who got kicked out for their shady business, but in reality, the prerequisite for being Yakuza is to go to prison and foreigners will get deported if they are convicted of a serious crime, so practically Yakuza jobs are limited to Japanese and Koreans with a special permanent residency.

Sangetsu 10-20-2010 07:31 AM

No one wants to be a garbage collector or slaughter house worker, the people who do such jobs do so because they have few/no other options. Sure these jobs are important, but do you or any of your friends wish to do either of these jobs? Probably not.

Gangsters become gangsters because they too have few options in life, due to upbringing or lack of education. Since they don't have the education or training to be productive members of society, they make their living doing scams, running drugs and prostitutes, or loan-sharking. The only people who respect gangsters are other gangsters, because they are too narrow to appreciate anything outside their own very limited world.

Salvanas 10-21-2010 07:33 PM


Originally Posted by Sangetsu (Post 833787)
Gangsters become gangsters because they too have few options in life, due to upbringing or lack of education. Since they don't have the education or training to be productive members of society, they make their living doing scams, running drugs and prostitutes, or loan-sharking. The only people who respect gangsters are other gangsters, because they are too narrow to appreciate anything outside their own very limited world.

I would just like to point out a few things Sangetsu.

Your view has it's points, but it has a flaw. You're claiming that people become gangsters because of no other alternative in their life. This is incorrect. Becoming a gangster takes ambition. It also takes many more things, but it's mainly driven by ambition.

A successful Gangster can easily be a rich and powerful man. It also, to some, may seem like an eventful and dangerous lifestyle. Which it is. But the main reason people pursue the gangster lifestyle, is because of the easy access to money. I mean, it's harder to earn money, than by acquiring it by immoral means. This can be so for the educated, and for the non-educated. Education does not get rid of greed.

As for aiming for specific jobs and the like, I know a person who's aim is to become a bricklayer. Why? Because he enjoys it.

It's a low paying job, and I can see in your eyes it's a job that should not be aimed for. But some people don't seek to be ambitious in life. Some people aim for their own comfort.

It's wrong to make judgements about someone's goals, or personal preferences in life.

JasonTakeshi 10-29-2010 04:15 AM


Originally Posted by Sangetsu (Post 833787)
No one wants to be a garbage collector or slaughter house worker, the people who do such jobs do so because they have few/no other options. Sure these jobs are important, but do you or any of your friends wish to do either of these jobs? Probably not.

Gangsters become gangsters because they too have few options in life, due to upbringing or lack of education. Since they don't have the education or training to be productive members of society, they make their living doing scams, running drugs and prostitutes, or loan-sharking. The only people who respect gangsters are other gangsters, because they are too narrow to appreciate anything outside their own very limited world.

Yes, because you can definitely vouch for 6 billion people? Not everyone wants the stereotypical "good and prestigable" job.

If you say that it is unlike for someone to pick such jobs because they love it, I will probably agree with you. But until then I'm red and you're blue.

Edit: Just read Salvanas post. < That.

evanny 10-29-2010 04:58 AM


Originally Posted by Salvanas (Post 834041)
A successful Gangster can easily be a rich and powerful man. It also, to some, may seem like an eventful and dangerous lifestyle.

well that sounds like BS :cool: most people who are dumb enough to join this kind of organization dont have the brains to become "a successful gangster".
best they could do would be a handy man or something like that...because the actual heads of these organizations are intelligent and they have to be for this to work - dont go to jail and to be powerful, rich. there arent any college drop-outs, but people with good eye for business.
so...nope. he cannot become powerful and rich, because before that happens his ass will be in jail for something stupid he did...like asking on the internet will jakuza accept him...

HikoSeijuro 10-29-2010 05:08 AM

I feel it was a good question and rightly placed because there seem to be a lot of people posting here who know first hand how yakuza members think, how much they make, and where they end up ultimately.

Also, we have discovered (together as an ever-evolving group) the pointless life and duty of the office worker while learning that garbage men ( and women ) and dishwashers (of all race and sex) are indeed noble positions.

I suspect from these conversations that many future dishwasher and garbage men / women positions will be filled immediately by some of the very posters in these forums.

From the posts that I have seen just on this topic alone I know some of you have the capability to answer the question that *I* seek ...how do you describe the color blue to a blind person?

JasonTakeshi 10-29-2010 05:52 AM


Originally Posted by HikoSeijuro (Post 835073)
I feel it was a good question and rightly placed because there seem to be a lot of people posting here who know first hand how yakuza members think, how much they make, and where they end up ultimately.

Also, we have discovered (together as an ever-evolving group) the pointless life and duty of the office worker while learning that garbage men ( and women ) and dishwashers (of all race and sex) are indeed noble positions.

I suspect from these conversations that many future dishwasher and garbage men / women positions will be filled immediately by some of the very posters in these forums.

From the posts that I have seen just on this topic alone I know some of you have the capability to answer the question that *I* seek ...how do you describe the color blue to a blind person?:vsign:

Define color.

Salvanas 10-29-2010 10:23 AM


Originally Posted by evanny (Post 835072)
well that sounds like BS :cool: most people who are dumb enough to join this kind of organization dont have the brains to become "a successful gangster".
best they could do would be a handy man or something like that...because the actual heads of these organizations are intelligent and they have to be for this to work - dont go to jail and to be powerful, rich. there arent any college drop-outs, but people with good eye for business.
so...nope. he cannot become powerful and rich, because before that happens his ass will be in jail for something stupid he did...like asking on the internet will jakuza accept him...

You claim it's dumb. You claim people who join this sort of organization won't become anything in life, because you claim they don't have the brains for it.

You judge way too much, instead of understanding that some people in life just have it easier than us.

There are people in this world, right now, who are gaining so much money through immoral acts. Much more than I, or you, would earn in 20 years. They earn it all in a day.

As for people thinking they can become successful, some people dream of it. It doesn't stop the lure of being a gangster from being there to people who dream of being rich easily, or following a dangerous lifestyle.

dirtyroboto 10-29-2010 10:48 AM

You cant just become a garbage collector in Japan unlike other countries.
First you must become an officer of the Prefecture, the City or town. This involves study and examination.

The garbage collectors and all other manual working representatives of the state are not just dead end jobs for the uneducated like in other countries, they are valid job positions for hard working people.

evanny 10-29-2010 10:54 AM


Originally Posted by Salvanas (Post 835104)
You claim it's dumb. You claim people who join this sort of organization won't become anything in life, because you claim they don't have the brains for it.

You judge way too much, instead of understanding that some people in life just have it easier than us.

There are people in this world, right now, who are gaining so much money through immoral acts. Much more than I, or you, would earn in 20 years. They earn it all in a day.

As for people thinking they can become successful, some people dream of it. It doesn't stop the lure of being a gangster from being there to people who dream of being rich easily, or following a dangerous lifestyle.

only thing i claim is that it is dumb idea in itself that a drop-out is going to join gangsters and become as you said "rich and powerful"
those people who in illegal ways do become powerful arent drop-outs. those guys are smart..not average Joe smart. they have the brains to be also a lawyer or businessman or any other respectable figure.

in no way im judging. i simply go and laugh my a*s of when someone on the internet asks will jakuza accept me so i can become rich and powerful.

P.S and wont achieve anything? nea...simply won't become crime overlord if grey matter isnt working to its potential :cool:

P.P.S o..and that small text thing you have going on...it is not as cool as you think..like that blue text guy..at least his posts you can read normally..

Salvanas 11-01-2010 03:49 PM


only thing i claim is that it is dumb idea in itself that a drop-out is going to join gangsters and become as you said "rich and powerful"
those people who in illegal ways do become powerful arent drop-outs. those guys are smart..not average Joe smart. they have the brains to be also a lawyer or businessman or any other respectable figure.
We don't think differently there, I agree with you. I was only commenting on the fact that you called it dumb to join any kind of organisation like this.

I quote:


well that sounds like BS most people who are dumb enough to join this kind of organization dont have the brains to become "a successful gangster".
That to me, sounds like you're bashing anyone that joins any sort of gangster based organisation. Nothing in that quote about people dropping out of school or the like for it.


in no way im judging. i simply go and laugh my a*s of when someone on the internet asks will jakuza accept me so i can become rich and powerful.
Read my answer above. I agree to an extent, but your post was judgemental. Also, I read no where in the OP's post that claimed such a thing. You didn't really read it, did you?


P.S and wont achieve anything? nea...simply won't become crime overlord if grey matter isnt working to its potential :cool:
Not too sure I'm understanding what you're on about here.


P.P.S o..and that small text thing you have going on...it is not as cool as you think..like that blue text guy..at least his posts you can read normally..
For a boy who writes with the sloppiest English I've seen in a long time, littered with incorrect grammar and punctuation, I find it ironic that you find it fit to bash how I "colour" or even style my posts.

Again, this just adds weight to my conclusion that you are overly judgemental, and on the verge of being an idiot.

Perhaps instead of bashing something so small, and insignificant in an argument, you'd do better to actually learn English correctly before trying to shovel inconsistent drivel into my face.

Just sayin'.

ColinHowell 11-01-2010 05:00 PM


Originally Posted by Salvanas (Post 835487)
For a boy who writes with the sloppiest English I've seen in a long time, littered with incorrect grammar and punctuation, I find it ironic that you find it fit to bash how I "colour" or even style my posts.


Perhaps instead of bashing something so small, and insignificant in an argument, you'd do better to actually learn English correctly before trying to shovel inconsistent drivel into my face.

The person is from Latvia. Attacking his level of English skill is uncalled for.

As for your choice of typeface, I find it needlessly difficult to read.

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