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evanny 04-07-2011 12:02 PM

mhm. those are ways around but not everything can be done so. every country needs physical population so money goes around, houses are bought, loans taken etc.

well....im probably going to find out what's going to happen since i am studying Japanese. have to remember to bring this topic up in 3 years :cool:

RobinMask 04-07-2011 12:07 PM


Originally Posted by BobbyCooper (Post 860695)
Sorry, but I don't need somebody to tell me that I would know ZERO NADA about Asians. None of you know anything about me and what I experienced. I tried to explain it, but I am only getting bashed here anyway.. because, right we are online^^ on an Interent Forum lol

Sorry, but I do not need people to tell me that I would not belong there and that the Asians I met are totally different to the one who live in Japan and No, I do not need somebody to tell me that life in Japan is only colerful.

The only thing which I can do, is to go there and experience it by my OWN! Everybody thinks differently and approaches things differently. Someone might love Japan and someone might thing it's hell. People are different and people see things different. So I don't need to listen to so much hegativity towards my stay in Japan. I am going there my own and I am going to Korea by my own and I will experience it on my own.

So stop telling me I am not welcome there or that it would be the hell on earth overthere for me jes.. just stop, thanks! I will and always did take the advise I find useful. I don't take some biased advise from people who are DIFFERENT than me.. people are different and I really do not have to time and fun to listen to some "wise-guy" who wants to tell me that my thoughts about the Asian culture is totally flawed lol^^

Just stop Jes.. thats all I'm asking!

I probably shouldn't get involved, but . . .

It's one thing to know a person from a set culture, and another to know that culture itself. I have a friend - for example - who is Indian; I've known her for ten years, I've babysat her sister, ate dinner with her grandparents, met all her neighbours, watched her movies, helped her with the language . . . so I can safely say I know an Indian family very well, but do I know what it's like to live in India? Do I hell! I've never been, I've only seen it on television, and if I ask her it'd be a very narrow view as she's from one caste and has only seen one aspect of it.

If you think about yourself going abroad, how much do you represent an entire culture? Sometimes people ask me about England, and I get so stuck because it's like "well, I'm one person, I can't define a whole culture, you just have to experience it". So yes, you may know about Asian culture but you will not know what it's like to live their until you live there. So just hear everyone out, they've experienced more of it than you - or I - have.

You're right, the only way to understand it is to be there yourself, but surely you'd want to go there as knowledgeable as you can? It's an entirely different place, it has good and bad, and if you can learn as much about the good and the bad as you can you'll be far better prepared. No one is saying 'don't go', merely 'listen and learn', so that way you won't get there and have a panic attack at the airport or leave after a month completely dissapointed, you know? I hope you do go. I hope you love it. Until then, just hear what more experienced members have to say. What do you have to lose from hearing them out? ;)

konbini 04-07-2011 12:09 PM


Originally Posted by dogsbody70 (Post 860277)
For those who say they wish to go or live in japan, what do you think you will find there?

Some Utopia? Especially since the recent disaster.

People living their daily lives in a country called Japan.

godwine 04-07-2011 12:11 PM


Originally Posted by evanny (Post 860698)
mhm. those are ways around but not everything can be done so. every country needs physical population so money goes around, houses are bought, loans taken etc.

well....im probably going to find out what's going to happen since i am studying Japanese. have to remember to bring this topic up in 3 years :cool:

Agree, but we are saying an "aging" society, not a society with ONLY old people. Much of the infrastructure and base operation can still be handled locally.

Technological advancement enable more than just global communication and global economy. It also streamline business process, technical process, manufacturing process through automation and different type of tools. The need for people working on site will become less important.

And as I said, Japan is not having a 0% reproduction rate, its low, but not 0. As long as its not halted, there will still be people growing up to fill the shoes of retiring people.

Keep in mind, japan's unemployment rate is not high, but its not low either. This rate doesn't mean "Everyone who doesn't have a job", but people who needs a job and don't have a job. A lot of its population falls in the category of "Don't want to work or don't need work (say housewives)". Taking all this into consideration, we can guess how many local work force does Japan actually need

Then, we also have to think about its overall population and birth rate... and if this ratio is enough for them to self sustain to satisfy the number of jobs out there.. and we are not talking about just any job, but jobs where they are willing to sponsor external talen (so not burger flipping or tofu delivery jobs)

again, enough hijacking this thread, PM me or start a new thread if you want to discuss further.

BobbyCooper 04-07-2011 12:25 PM


Originally Posted by RobinMask (Post 860699)
I probably shouldn't get involved, but . . .

It's one thing to know a person from a set culture, and another to know that culture itself. I have a friend - for example - who is Indian; I've known her for ten years, I've babysat her sister, ate dinner with her grandparents, met all her neighbours, watched her movies, helped her with the language . . . so I can safely say I know an Indian family very well, but do I know what it's like to live in India? Do I hell! I've never been, I've only seen it on television, and if I ask her it'd be a very narrow view as she's from one caste and has only seen one aspect of it.

If you think about yourself going abroad, how much do you represent an entire culture? Sometimes people ask me about England, and I get so stuck because it's like "well, I'm one person, I can't define a whole culture, you just have to experience it". So yes, you may know about Asian culture but you will not know what it's like to live their until you live there. So just hear everyone out, they've experienced more of it than you - or I - have.

You're right, the only way to understand it is to be there yourself, but surely you'd want to go there as knowledgeable as you can? It's an entirely different place, it has good and bad, and if you can learn as much about the good and the bad as you can you'll be far better prepared. No one is saying 'don't go', merely 'listen and learn', so that way you won't get there and have a panic attack at the airport or leave after a month completely dissapointed, you know? I hope you do go. I hope you love it. Until then, just hear what more experienced members have to say. What do you have to lose from hearing them out? ;)

I made the parts which should answer your questions in bold!


Originally Posted by BobbyCooper (Post 860695)
Sorry, but I don't need somebody to tell me that I would know ZERO NADA about Asians. None of you know anything about me and what I experienced. I tried to explain it, but I am only getting bashed here anyway.. because, right we are online^^ on an Interent Forum lol

Sorry, but I do not need people to tell me that I would not belong there and that the Asians I met are totally different to the one who live in Japan and No, I do not need somebody to tell me that life in Japan is only colerful.

The only thing which I can do, is to go there and experience it by my OWN! Everybody thinks differently and approaches things differently. Someone might love Japan and someone might thing it's hell. People are different and people see things different. So I don't need to listen to so much negativity towards my stay in Japan. I am going there my own and I am going to Korea by my own and I will experience it on my own.

So stop telling me I am not welcome there or that it would be the hell on earth overthere for me jes.. just stop, thanks! I will and always did take the advise I find useful. I don't take some biased advise from people who are DIFFERENT than me.. people are different and I really do not have to time and fun to listen to some "wise-guy" who wants to tell me that my thoughts about the Asian culture is totally flawed lol^^

Just stop Jes.. thats all I'm asking!

GoNative 04-07-2011 12:45 PM

I guess all people are pointing out BC is that you're drawing a long bow here. You're making conclusions based on what is actually very limited experience. I grew up in Australia which as you spent time there you realise is an extremely multicultural country. I grew up with people from Asian, European, Pacific Islander and numerous other backgrounds. I became friends with many. Two of my best friends from home are of Chinese decent and another is Indian. I have never considered my experience of growing up with these guys though as giving me some great insight into what it would be like to live in the countries they were from.

I have spent considerable amounts of time travelling in Asia (obviously it's pretty close to Australia). I've been to India a couple of times, Nepal, Vietnam, Thailand and have spent most of the last 8 years here in Japan. I've also travelled extensively in Sth America (6 months) and spent a similar amount of time in Canada. On my travels I've met people from all over the world and at times spent many months travelling with the same group of people who were heading basically on the same route I was. I've had some incredible times and met some wonderful people but I have never thought that spending a few months with someone from another country or culture has given me some incredible insight into those countries or cultures. Travel is fantastic but it only gives you the briefest of glimpses of what life would be like to actually live there. From what I can tell you haven't even travelled yet to any Asian country. You're basing everything off a 6 month trip to non Asian countries where you just happened to meet some Asians also travelling. So how about getting down off your high horse and recognising you don't actually know much about Asia or Asians at all. You've had a little glimpse and you've liked what you saw. That's great and I can understand why you plan on travelling here and possibly one day living here. Just calm down a little and listen to some of the advice from some of the people who have actually already done what you plan to do.

BobbyCooper 04-07-2011 01:04 PM


Originally Posted by GoNative (Post 860709)
I guess all people are pointing out BC is that you're drawing a long bow here. You're making conclusions based on what is actually very limited experience. I grew up in Australia which as you spent time there you realise is an extremely multicultural country. I grew up with people from Asian, European, Pacific Islander and numerous other backgrounds. I became friends with many. Two of my best friends from home are of Chinese decent and another is Indian. I have never considered my experience of growing up with these guys though as giving me some great insight into what it would be like to live in the countries they were from.

I have spent considerable amounts of time travelling in Asia (obviously it's pretty close to Australia). I've been to India a couple of times, Nepal, Vietnam, Thailand and have spent most of the last 8 years here in Japan. I've also travelled extensively in Sth America (6 months) and spent a similar amount of time in Canada. On my travels I've met people from all over the world and at times spent many months travelling with the same group of people who were heading basically on the same route I was. I've had some incredible times and met some wonderful people but I have never thought that spending a few months with someone from another country or culture has given me some incredible insight into those countries or cultures. Travel is fantastic but it only gives you the briefest of glimpses of what life would be like to actually live there. From what I can tell you haven't even travelled yet to any Asian country. You're basing everything off a 6 month trip to non Asian countries where you just happened to meet some Asians also travelling. So how about getting down off your high horse and recognising you don't actually know much about Asia or Asians at all. You've had a little glimpse and you've liked what you saw. That's great and I can understand why you plan on travelling here and possibly one day living here. Just calm down a little and listen to some of the advice from some of the people who have actually already done what you plan to do.

See thats exactly what I mean, people only try to make you feel you would know nothing about anything.. Well I disagree! I really do not care if you "might" think that I would know nothing about Asians, not at all.. so don't even bother telling me in every single post.

Just read my post more carefully, cause I mentioned about a thousand times that I went to South-East Asia, wich inlcudes like you might know several Asian countrys.. like for example, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia and Indonesia..

stop hating, start accepting for once!

RickOShay 04-07-2011 01:23 PM


Originally Posted by BobbyCooper (Post 860688)

Also @RickOShay, ever thought that English isn't my first language:rolleyes: Also well, how would you call the Japanese, Korean, Chinese and Thais without using the word Asians? :rolleyes: It's not like I am using oriental.. so please tell me your secret word in your massive vocabulary^^
Also, I won't even bother to reply to your novel there.. you should learn how to read, because you misinterpreted almost everything I said the wrong way.

Yeah I thought of that very problem.. did you think of that before you accused ME (a native speaker) of being the one with the reading deficiency when it is you who apparently have the writing problem? And you are either not understanding the points I brought up or ignoring them arrogantly. So whatever.

Anyhow, you are just going to rant about how much you know and how you are so certain of yourself. Fine, do not listen to people who have probably a combined 20 years more experience than you do with asians and living in an asian country. What do we know right??.. I mean you are the one who is just like a Japanese person at heart right...? gimmie a break.. if you even act remotely Japanese in real life, than I am sure I must be from Mars.

GoNative 04-07-2011 01:27 PM


Originally Posted by BobbyCooper (Post 860711)
stop hating, start accepting for once!

Stop hating and start accepting??? I accept you're a fool. Is that ok? I couldn't care less about you really so emotions as strong as hate really don't come into it. ;)

BobbyCooper 04-07-2011 01:30 PM


Originally Posted by RickOShay (Post 860712)
Yeah I thought of that very problem.. did you think of that before you accused ME (a native speaker) of being the one with the reading deficiency when it is you who apparently have the writing problem? And you are either not understanding the points I brought up or ignoring them arrogantly. So whatever.

Anyhow, you are just going to rant about how much you know and how you are so certain of yourself. Fine, do not listen to people who have probably a combined 20 years more experience than you do with asians and living in an asian country. What do we know right??.. I am me you are the one who is just like a Japanese person at heart right...? gimmie a break.. if you even act remotely Japanese in real life, than I am sure I must be from Mars.

See, finally one of you got it :thumbsup:

don't bother telling me I wouldn't know a thing and also don't bother replying to my posts with only negativity towards everything. It's not worth your time even if it excites you sooo much.. just don't! Use your time for more valuable things than that. Like I mentioned also about a thousand times already.. I will take the advise I find useful from people who I guess are useful on here.

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