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Ronin4hire 05-02-2011 05:46 AM

Osama Bin Ladin killed.
Bin Laden Is Dead, President Obama Says - NYTimes.com

What will happen now?

Well Islamic fundamentalism will continue... but it's a pretty significant.. if mostly symbolic event.

evanny 05-02-2011 06:20 AM

yes. very impressive usa. only took 10 years to bring down one 60-something year old man. now to get rid of ~1000 "new bin-ladens" that have been created in these 10 years.
come on. it accomplished nothing, well maybe boost obamas ratings.

btw. sure this guy isn't another fake? i think i have seen some 3 videos where different BinLadens have been killed.

MMM 05-02-2011 06:49 AM

I wonder what this means. As an American and as a patriot, this is not big news to me. I want our troops out of Iraq and all of this. To me, this is not a point of celebration.

RickOShay 05-02-2011 08:17 AM

If at all possible I think it would have been way better if he had been captured.

I find it unsettling that people are celebrating his death. Was justice served? Probably as about as well as it could be expected to, but I think this should be a time to reflect upon what happened, and be glad that the victims families of 9-11 have some closure now, there is just something disturbing about dancing in the streets over a man's death no matter how vile he was. For me it's solemn reflection time, not drunken partying.

RealJames 05-02-2011 08:39 AM

at what cost was his death?

financially and counted in lives it's hardly a retribution...

the incessant warring could at least be kept down to a necessary level only

godwine 05-02-2011 11:24 AM

Coward laden is dead
Bin Laden’s death ends hunt for most wanted man but not the tensions - The Globe and Mail

While he was convincing his supporter to live in a substandard life and to die for him, he was hiding in a highly secured luxury mansion enjoying life........ kudos to the one who shot him....

tokusatsufan 05-02-2011 12:19 PM

Well I am impressed with the swift way the Americans reacted. I think they did the right thing. When it gets to that point there just is no talking. There are some people in the world that talking just doesn't work on.

Kozyra 05-02-2011 12:24 PM

I want to mention some points:
1 - It is not a religious war, Islam and christian has nothing to do with AlQaeda , Osama killed Muslims and Christians and from all religions, it's just as the world think that an assassin has been killed finally , there is no religion Incites of indiscriminate killing, so to all members Should know that Islam has nothing to do with this.
2 - Al Qaeda will not end, the U.S. government should learn that as long as they continue to support Israel and as long as they continue to meddle in the affairs of Arabs and Muslims, al-Qaeda will continue, peace will not return to the world as long as the U.S government has gone continues to support Israel, and Israel in turn kill the Muslims in Palestine.
I hope to pass away the idea in the world that "Muslims are devils and killers" and I hope from the western societies to stop insulting Islam , as the Rev. Jones did in America.
I also hope from Muslims to understand the Qur'an correctly, and follow the Sunnah of their Prophet correctly.

RobinMask 05-02-2011 12:32 PM

I have to ask, but what is the huge deal about his death?

I know what he did, and what happened, but it's just that in foriegn news his death barely made it into the news, whereas in America its not just front page, it's the entire news. I mean I haven't seen/heard anything else in the American news all day. I'm just curious why it's a huge deal? I hate to generalise, but why are the Americans taking it so personally?

I have to add I agree with RickOShay. Doesn't anyone think it's distasteful to celebrate a man's death, no matter who that man may be? It just seems somewhat twisted to me, what kind of world is it that we celebrate and party when a person dies? I'll refrain from any more US generalisations, but will say that in this day and age surely people have more intellect and morality than to laugh with glee at a man's passing. It's like we've returned to the days where we laughed at witches bein burned at the stake, or whooped with celebration when a man was hanged . . . it seems backwards.

shu 05-02-2011 12:52 PM

i think america is lying.they just doing did because obama wants reelected for president.and osama is either died awhile ago,we faked the recent news, or he still alive. but even if he is he isnt hurting anybody.

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