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GoNative 09-22-2011 08:30 AM


Originally Posted by Ryzorian (Post 880726)
You mean Like Your's Gonative? Your the one spewing vile and venom here, not me. In fact, one would think you hate with such passion that you would consider burning people at the stake a world benifit, as long as it was Tea Party or Christians. Go re read your post and remove the word Christian and Tea party and replace them with Black, gay or lesbian.

By the way, I've read the constitution, the Bill of rights and the federalists papers. I have a minor in US history, yet you call me delusional? The real story here, is how come You don't know this stuff? Miss that class? Forget to take the test? skip school that day?

MMM; It's not just early 19th century, Progressives still believe and wish to practice the eugenics world view today. I wouldn't doubt Gonative there would like to sterilize every tea party person out there if given half a chance. For the "betterment of humanity" of course.

Not interested in burning the christians Ryzorian. I do wish they'd stop trying to have so much influence on secular life though. For instance it is almost inconceivable isn't it for a US president to get elected who is not a believer in god? And yet it does clearly state in the constitution "no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States."
So is this the sort of thing you in the tea baggers want to change? Get rid of all the religious crap that taints American politics? ;)

And skip school? I'm Australian. We didn't learn a damn thing about the US constitution in school just like anyone else who is not American. Or did you think the whole world learns about the US in school? :mtongue:

Ryzorian 09-26-2011 06:59 PM

If your Australian, why are you trying to interject your Austrailian world view into that of the USA's? How can you complain about the Tea Party or what Christians do in the US? It doesn't concern you anyway. In fact, isn't that your world view? Outside nations should bugger off on the inner workings of individual countries? Technically, your own beliefs would leave you out of the discusion.

Sutekidane; I'm not the way I am because I'm ignorant. I'm well read, and the things I have found out about what those so called "enlightened" really want to do, make me sick. Knowledge is the true enemy of the progressives, that's why they try to lable me a "crackpot" or "radical right" in an effort to discredit me and thus be able to deny the truth when it stares people in the face.

Remember, Hitler wrote out in his book, exactly what he was going to do if he was in charge. Many Jews didn't believe he would actually do something like that, after all it was the modern era wasn't it?

The only thing our technological advancements have done, was enable evil to be more effcient in it's work.

MMM 09-26-2011 07:38 PM


Originally Posted by Ryzorian (Post 880726)
MMM; It's not just early 19th century, Progressives still believe and wish to practice the eugenics world view today.

How can you make statements like this, and then expect to be taken seriously?

GoNative 09-27-2011 10:23 AM


Originally Posted by Ryzorian (Post 881205)
If your Australian, why are you trying to interject your Austrailian world view into that of the USA's? How can you complain about the Tea Party or what Christians do in the US? It doesn't concern you anyway. In fact, isn't that your world view? Outside nations should bugger off on the inner workings of individual countries? Technically, your own beliefs would leave you out of the discusion.

I'm concerned because the US still has enormous influence in the world. What happens in the US can affect the entire globe. We all saw that during the last financial crisis. The US still has the most powerful armed forces of any country and the largest nuclear arsenal as well. It definitely concerns us all who is at the helm in your country. And I'm not trying to interject my Australian world view. I'm putting across my own view. I don't represent Australia...

Anyway since your such a notable scholar of your constitution and bill of rights perhaps you'd like to explain exactly which parts the tea baggers believe are so important and have been ignored by recent administrations. Maybe lay out for us the sort of utopian world you'd like to see under a tea bagger administration.

Ryzorian 09-28-2011 02:25 AM

For one thing, we wouldn't have military bases all over the world and would basically stay to ourselves for the most part. Perfectly willing to trade with you, but try to get involved in your national polotics.

They also would dump the "patriot act", completely overboard there. We wouldn't worry about immigrants so much either, just set up "Ellis Island" type areas where they can be identified and given Social security numbers, so they can become citizens like everybody else, or at least have a green card.

The USA before WW1 was almost completely isolated from the rest of the world and frankly I would perfer that we did that again. The world is nothing but a Huge PIA for the US. Withdraw all our troops from every where, keep our Navy along our own shores and Kick the UN out of New York. The world can take care of itself.

Ryzorian 09-28-2011 02:32 AM

MMM; Beacuase I read margeret Sangers Book, amoung others. She was the founder of Planned Parenthood. I also read the Humanist Manifesto, both 1 and 2. Most of our highest Universities are full of these "progressives". I argued with several when I went to college back in the late 80's early 90's and it's only gotten worse.

philiplorana 09-28-2011 11:15 AM

Its always remember able
Its really that moment which is remember able ever after ten years people didn't forget that day.

Kayci 09-28-2011 03:38 PM

Why are tea-party peeps and anti-tea party peeps bothering to still argue on this thread?

MMM 09-28-2011 03:54 PM


Originally Posted by Ryzorian (Post 881403)
MMM; Beacuase I read margeret Sangers Book, amoung others. She was the founder of Planned Parenthood. I also read the Humanist Manifesto, both 1 and 2. Most of our highest Universities are full of these "progressives". I argued with several when I went to college back in the late 80's early 90's and it's only gotten worse.

Margaret Sanger DIED 45 years ago! The Humanist Manifesto was written in the 1930s!


Please show any support of Eugenics by significant progressive politicians that are in office or running for office today.

sutekidane 09-29-2011 12:13 AM


Originally Posted by Ryzorian (Post 881402)
For one thing, we wouldn't have military bases all over the world and would basically stay to ourselves for the most part. Perfectly willing to trade with you, but try to get involved in your national polotics.

They also would dump the "patriot act", completely overboard there. We wouldn't worry about immigrants so much either, just set up "Ellis Island" type areas where they can be identified and given Social security numbers, so they can become citizens like everybody else, or at least have a green card.

The USA before WW1 was almost completely isolated from the rest of the world and frankly I would perfer that we did that again. The world is nothing but a Huge PIA for the US. Withdraw all our troops from every where, keep our Navy along our own shores and Kick the UN out of New York. The world can take care of itself.

So that looks like Ron Paul's isolationist policy. What will happen to Israel, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Japan, Korea and South East Asia?

The US has 4.5% of world's population and 23% of world's gdp now, do you think it will be able to maintain such a life style if it became isolationist? Will Americans be happy to live like the Amish? Will Americans like getting kicked around by the yellow man and the dark brown man, parking their air craft carriers near East and West coast?

I respect Ron Paul, because he is honest, but I don't think he knows what is best for America.

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