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Avary_Ninja 05-24-2007 06:44 AM

Japanese are the best tourists in the world
... and French are the worst. This is the result of a survey conducted in tourist venues in Europe.

Japanese come in first place, followed by Americans in second, and Swiss in third place.

The worst are the French, followed by Indians and Chinese.


The best tourists in the world are the Japanese, followed by Americans and the Swiss, a survey based on views from hoteliers across Europe says.

Japanese tourists stood out for being polite and tidy, securing 35 per cent more votes than the Americans who came second.

Swiss tourists were commended for being quiet and considerate, unlike the Britons who were judged to be the fifth worst tourists because of rude behaviour, noise and a miserly attitude to tipping.

But despite their faults, hoteliers do look favourably upon British spending habits voting them the third biggest holiday spenders after Americans and Russians.

Based on responses from 15,000 European hoteliers, the survey carried out on behalf of travel website Expedia showed that the worst tourist nation was France, followed by India, China and Russia.

Britain was second in the worst-dressed tourist table which was headed by the Americans, and fifth in the least-generous table which was headed by the Germans.
Source : Japanese the world's best tourists - New Zealand's source for travel news on Stuff.co.nz

Kuroneko 05-24-2007 06:58 AM

Thats Cool:D

(oh hi Avary long time no see.)

YaksokuDa 05-24-2007 11:08 AM

Haha, we got 2nd worst dressed. :D

Avary_Ninja 05-24-2007 11:48 AM


Originally Posted by YaksokuDa (Post 136464)
Haha, we got 2nd worst dressed. :D

Blame the chavs and the travelling Liverpool supporters ^_^

YaksokuDa 05-24-2007 11:51 AM


Originally Posted by Avary_Ninja (Post 136489)
Blame the chavs and the travelling Liverpool supporters ^_^

Ahaha true, and the midde aged men, in bright shirts, shorts, white socks and jesus sandles.

Sophieneechan 05-24-2007 11:55 AM

In the café I'm working at during summers, we had some french customers. They weren't bad at all. But you should never talk to them about politics, religion or football.. Expecially if it's right before the world cup final between France and Italy! I was cheering for Italy, so..

Kanji_The_Wanderer 05-24-2007 03:35 PM

Americans are second best tourists? Wow I never would have thought that. In our native country as a whole Americans are jerks.:rolleyes: At least we are good enough to repsect other cultures, so I am happy with that much.

It's no surprise that the Japanese are in first place seeing how they are like the most respectful people on the planet. No country besides them has the system of "honorifics" that they use. It's very unique indeed.

PS. It's nice to see you making threads again Avary-san:)

cocoluvnihon 05-25-2007 04:41 AM


Originally Posted by Kanji_The_Wanderer (Post 136886)
Americans are second best tourists? Wow I never would have thought that. In our native country as a whole Americans are jerks.:rolleyes: At least we are good enough to repsect other cultures, so I am happy with that much.

It's no surprise that the Japanese are in first place seeing how they are like the most respectful people on the planet. No country besides them has the system of "honorifics" that they use. It's very unique indeed.

PS. It's nice to see you making threads again Avary-san:)

^ we respect other peoples' cultures hahahha :mtongue: look at the way we treat immigrants esp. if they are ILLEGAL i highly disagree about the way we respect other people's cultures :rolleyes:

Janissary 05-25-2007 07:25 AM

Maybe Americans were chose 2nd because they spent a lot? Do you?


Kanji_The_Wanderer 05-28-2007 12:41 AM


[^ we respect other peoples' cultures hahahha look at the way we treat immigrants esp. if they are ILLEGAL i highly disagree about the way we respect other people's cultures
Well I guess you are right, people don't like illegal immigrants because they steal the work. So Americans don't like the people, but no one ever said that we don't respect their culture. Americans are just rude, they don't respect people in general. >_<

But they are probably in 2nd place because that they are big spenders.

Someone come and be a tourist with me to Japan! (lol I could never afford it.):rolleyes:

Avary_Ninja 05-28-2007 01:47 PM


Originally Posted by YaksokuDa (Post 136495)
Ahaha true, and the midde aged men, in bright shirts, shorts, white socks and jesus sandles.

You just described most of my neighbors XD

forgotenmemory 07-04-2007 03:03 AM

Wait! I'm a second best tourist!?!.cool!

Maku 07-04-2007 03:41 AM

We only tip badly because we're not used to it.

I love Japanese tourists, though I have no idea why they come to Swindon...
They also make very good attempts at holding a conversation with you and asking for directions and what-not, though I find it very hard to give them directions -_-

annelie82 08-04-2007 09:13 AM

I'm curious as to the reliability of this survey. People who work in these so-called tourist venues (which supposedly are located in different countries around the world) may obviously have different ideas about what it means to be a "good" or a "bad" tourist. The results are still entertaining, though. :D

Suki 08-04-2007 11:01 AM

American 2n best tourists...? Pfftt no way in hell! They're noisy and wear shorts when it's freezing cold :mtongue:

And Japanese... they are always taking pics, like 24/7. I wonder if they take the camera with them when going to the toilet...

Jessica91 10-20-2007 02:27 PM

...Brittons 2nd worst dressed... this can only be the chavs and the holiday people who are a bit too laid back and relaxed. Probably the latter cos Chavs can't afford holidays:) (ok, that was a bit stereotypical of me but hey...)Its not suprising that Japanese people are the best tourists since they are so polite!

CrystalTear 10-20-2007 03:07 PM

Americans are second best? That's not possible... I think they're rude and don't respect other cultures.

I CONSTANTLY hear comments like: "Watch out! Don't get a sun teint Goth-kid!" "Don't forget to smile today!" "Cheer up emo-kid" (Really, I do NOT look like an emo)

Japanese tourists are nice and calm, and they take pictures of EVERYTHING xD I must be on hundreds of pictures riding my bike xD

noodle 10-20-2007 03:40 PM

HAHAHAHAHAHA American tourists second best???? whats that about. I worked in london in a tourist area, the only americans that were kind and nice were the old retired couples that wanted to come to england for a nice "cup of tea" and see better history than that of america (you may think why england? cos we speak english, many people are afraid to go to a country where they don't understand the lang). others were jerks, i remember 3 young americans were arrested because they started going to the toilet in the middle of the road. when they were gettin arrested. they said "this is europe, i thought u could do this"

as for japanese... i think the only reason they would be best is cos they are soo quiete and sometimes too shy to even ask or get what they want. same as koreans.

CrystalTear 10-20-2007 04:50 PM

Oh, and another thing that really bothers me about American (and other nationalities) tourists, they think EVERYBODY in Holland is on drugs. And the only reason they come here is to get real high.

Once someone asked me where he could buy a joint, so I told him I didn't know (for God's sake, I'm fifteen. How should I know?) And he was all like: "But... You're Dutch right?" So I awnesered I was. "But... You don't do drugs? o.0"

MMM 10-20-2007 05:37 PM

I had hoped we were done with these "stereotype all people from one country" slam America threads.


clairebear 10-20-2007 05:49 PM

Hah, I was just about to say that this is stupid and stereotypical. :rolleyes:

noodle 10-20-2007 06:12 PM


Originally Posted by MMM (Post 272469)
I had hoped we were done with these "stereotype all people from one country" slam America threads.


sometimes stereotypes can be very acurate actually, and noone mentioned a stereotype so far? i've never heard the stereotype of stupid american tourists... i've just spoken from experience, and so has everyone else so far. noone has said "i've heard that americans.............................."

MMM 10-20-2007 06:27 PM


Originally Posted by noodle (Post 272478)
sometimes stereotypes can be very acurate actually, and noone mentioned a stereotype so far? i've never heard the stereotype of stupid american tourists... i've just spoken from experience, and so has everyone else so far. noone has said "i've heard that americans.............................."

"In our native country as a whole Americans are jerks."

"Americans are just rude, they don't respect people in general."

"American 2n best tourists...? Pfftt no way in hell! They're noisy and wear shorts when it's freezing cold."

"Americans are second best? That's not possible... I think they're rude and don't respect other cultures."

You are right NOODLE, these comments I thought were STEREOTYPES about Americans weren't sterteotypes. They were just INSULTS.

Let me rephrase. I thought we were done with these threads were we just INSULT everone from a single country.

clairebear 10-20-2007 06:42 PM

Those are some pretty harsh insults..

noodle 10-20-2007 09:09 PM


Originally Posted by MMM (Post 272483)
"In our native country as a whole Americans are jerks."

"Americans are just rude, they don't respect people in general."

"American 2n best tourists...? Pfftt no way in hell! They're noisy and wear shorts when it's freezing cold."

"Americans are second best? That's not possible... I think they're rude and don't respect other cultures."

You are right NOODLE, these comments I thought were STEREOTYPES about Americans weren't sterteotypes. They were just INSULTS.

Let me rephrase. I thought we were done with these threads were we just INSULT everone from a single country.

haha, some of those were said by american's. but, now i do agree, they are insults, if you wanna take them as that, or if you are a "the cup is half full" typa guy, they are comments that should be kept to ones self/],

Illusional 10-20-2007 09:29 PM

i think that chinese people are very inconsiderate. they talk loud, are tight when it comes to money, and basically care about themselves.. yes this is a sterotype, but it appears true for the most part. yes, and i can say this because i am part chinese.


MMM 10-20-2007 09:55 PM


Originally Posted by noodle (Post 272561)
haha, some of those were said by american's. but, now i do agree, they are insults, if you wanna take them as that, or if you are a "the cup is half full" typa guy, they are comments that should be kept to ones self/],

I agree. The comments don't serve any purpose, they are just insults.

MMM 10-20-2007 09:57 PM


Originally Posted by Illusional (Post 272567)
i think that chinese people are very inconsiderate. they talk loud, are tight when it comes to money, and basically care about themselves.. yes this is a sterotype, but it appears true for the most part. yes, and i can say this because i am part chinese.


I have a question, Illusional, how is it that in every other culture in the world (that I am aware of) people stand in line to wait for things, except for in China? Can someone explain how they function if no one waits in line for things? Is that really true?

Danierux 10-20-2007 11:11 PM

I love Japanese tourist groups with the "Flag" lady at the front directing everyone where to go. Soo cute haha.

CrystalTear 10-21-2007 10:52 AM

"Americans are second best? That's not possible... I think they're rude and don't respect other cultures."

I especially said I THINK,,
everybody's got right on an opinion right?

Suki 10-21-2007 04:30 PM


Originally Posted by MMM (Post 272469)
I had hoped we were done with these "stereotype all people from one country" slam America threads.


Don't get offended. That's just how Americans are seen in other countries, of course it's only a generalised opinion and it does not apply to every American citizen but, you know.. Americans tend to be a little too fond of themselves, like if someone dares mess with them they'll get their beloved government to set the army on their asses xD! I'm pretty sure all these stereotypes come from both political and historic reasons.

As for my comment ("Americans 2n best tourists...? Pfftt no way in hell! They're noisy and wear shorts when it's freezing cold "), same thing goes for French and British people, if that makes you feel any better xD

clairebear 10-21-2007 04:35 PM

Thats just....sad.

noodle 10-21-2007 05:03 PM


Originally Posted by Suki (Post 273248)
same thing goes for French and British people, if that makes you feel any better xD

I can say the same thing about spanish too :D anyway the point is, there will always be some bad apples (:confused: i can't remember the exact saying )........basically, there are bad tourists and good tourists from every country. even JAPAN

MMM 10-21-2007 05:41 PM


Originally Posted by CrystalTear (Post 272993)
"Americans are second best? That's not possible... I think they're rude and don't respect other cultures."

I especially said I THINK,,
everybody's got right on an opinion right?

Why would you think saying "I think" makes your insult any less insulting?

MMM 10-21-2007 05:45 PM


Originally Posted by Suki (Post 273248)
Don't get offended. That's just how Americans are seen in other countries, of course it's only a generalised opinion and it does not apply to every American citizen but, you know.. Americans tend to be a little too fond of themselves, like if someone dares mess with them they'll get their beloved government to set the army on their asses xD! I'm pretty sure all these stereotypes come from both political and historic reasons.

As for my comment ("Americans 2n best tourists...? Pfftt no way in hell! They're noisy and wear shorts when it's freezing cold "), same thing goes for French and British people, if that makes you feel any better xD

I guess you are just proving my point. Do you actually think "Americans tend to be a little too fond of themselves, like if someone dares mess with them they'll get their beloved government to set the army on their asses"? Seriously? The American people didn't ask the American goverment to go to war...it was quite the opposite. It's the American people who are embarrassed, ashamed and are begging our government to get us out of this war.

If you know they are stereotypes, why fuel them by spreading them?

Illusional 10-21-2007 07:50 PM


Originally Posted by MMM (Post 272582)
I have a question, Illusional, how is it that in every other culture in the world (that I am aware of) people stand in line to wait for things, except for in China? Can someone explain how they function if no one waits in line for things? Is that really true?

as far as i would have thought, people in china waited in lines, but that is only my assumption. i know very little about life in china.


MMM 10-21-2007 11:24 PM


Originally Posted by Illusional (Post 273351)
as far as i would have thought, people in china waited in lines, but that is only my assumption. i know very little about life in china.


China Pushes Public To Mind Its Manners - washingtonpost.com

"Developing the habit of standing in line takes years," Zheng said. "The Olympics is just an opportunity to teach this, but this is not just for the Olympics. We are trying to get the public to be more civilized in the long run. "

I have also read some problems at HK Disneyland, where the Chinese have to be told not to cut to the fronts of the lines.

Illusional 10-21-2007 11:50 PM

hahahaha... now that i think of it, this reminds me of an incident at the buffet line. there was a chinese tourist who cut right to the front of the line. everyone was pretty pissed and fortunately the chef who was serving the prime rib saw this and didn't serve her. the chef told her that she had to go to the back of the line and wait like everyone else.

getting back to the HK disneyland thing, so if chinese people don't actually wait in lines, you have wonder does everyone just bunch up near the entrance and shove their way in??


Gunslinger 10-22-2007 12:11 AM

Im curious...there is not a single mention of australians at all in this thread....would someone please stereotype or insult them so my "fragile sense of justice and equality" doesnt explode? :D :D :D sankyu ^___^

MMM 10-22-2007 12:15 AM


Originally Posted by Illusional (Post 273580)
hahahaha... now that i think of it, this reminds me of an incident at the buffet line. there was a chinese tourist who cut right to the front of the line. everyone was pretty pissed and fortunately the chef who was serving the prime rib saw this and didn't serve her. the chef told her that she had to go to the back of the line and wait like everyone else.

getting back to the HK disneyland thing, so if chinese people don't actually wait in lines, you have wonder does everyone just bunch up near the entrance and shove their way in??


I guess so. The problem there was the HK and Taiwanese guests knew to wait in line, but the Chinese guests would just go to the front. As you can imagine, this caused a ton of problems, and they are still working on it.

My only personal experience was getting of a plane from Japan into Kansai Int'l at the same time a plane from China landed. So all these Chinese were trying to go through customs at the same time as the non-Japanese passengers from my plane. I was shocked to see families of people push to the front with thie passports out. There were a couple of US Marines (I think) in front of me, and one finally just put his arms straight out to not let any more pass. A couple of kids (encouraged by their dad) snuck under and to the front, but the Marine wouldn't let the father and mother cut in front. The kids were yelling (from the passport check booths) for their dad to hurry up, but he the Marine made it clear with his eyes he wasn't going before him. It was one of the strangest things I have ever seen, so I still wonder, how does an advanced society like China function if the people won't wait in line?

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