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Ikaipop 04-19-2008 12:16 AM

want to learn japanese?
hello! i am here cause i am learning japanese... i want to help you learn too!

please email me at [email protected]

i will teach as i learn

deathnotegirl 04-19-2008 01:57 AM

eek... i want to learn so badly...any chance u could teach me???

ocelot 04-20-2008 07:01 AM

I'm learning the Japanese language too...
Not the best my speak,but....;)


xnamelessx 04-22-2008 09:54 AM

me too xD
i'm learning too. I'm trying really hard. I can write the characters but i can remember which is which unless lookin at the translation so if u could help it would be great. xD. Go on my profile and get my myspace. X

xtine 04-22-2008 10:55 AM

i know a little of japanese but it is not enough i want to learn more ...

Ryugaizen 04-23-2008 12:46 AM

Yeah please Ive been trying to learn Japanese even though I only know a few words in Japanese I can speak it pretty well I am good at pronunciation but I need serious help in mastering the writing since I can't write any of the symbols so well

Nki 04-23-2008 12:55 AM

:D I want to learn japanese... I want Japanese to be my 2nd lenguage n_n

ocelot 04-23-2008 11:24 AM

I love to study in Japanese.
If interests somebody I grant his title,at who I study.

kawaiitori 04-23-2008 01:03 PM

im learning japanese too! i dont know an auful lot but i can count from ichi - kyujeu-kyo! (1-99) and i know a lot of simple meeting phrases!

xnamelessx 04-23-2008 04:25 PM

i can count to about 99. i forgotten what 1 hundred is. i can say like hello, how are you , im fine, nice to meet you, my name is...

ive been learning thru educational podcast because ive got n n95 and u can get podcasts on them and also on itunes. :vsign:

xnamelessx 04-23-2008 04:30 PM

some good learning sites.
Some good sites for learning are:

or type learn japanese, japanese survival phrases, japanese pod and stuff like that into google.

there are some other good sites too. also on youtube there are educational videos and other vid sites.

hope this helps.

Enjoy :vsign:

ocelot 04-24-2008 03:19 PM

1 hundred is:hyakku :)
We reckon much on the language lesson whit my Sensei,Joruto san and my friends. :vsign:

Enrique1991 04-24-2008 05:19 PM

:D I wanna learn Japanese.

ocelot 04-27-2008 03:34 PM


Originally Posted by Enrique1991 (Post 471530)
:D I wanna learn Japanese.

A new student was today on the language lesson.Rather much everything studied already.You know something in Japanese?

xnamelessx 04-27-2008 07:03 PM


Originally Posted by Ryugaizen (Post 469552)
Yeah please Ive been trying to learn Japanese even though I only know a few words in Japanese I can speak it pretty well I am good at pronunciation but I need serious help in mastering the writing since I can't write any of the symbols so well

thats like me. i iacn pronounce things and sort of write the romaji but i can only write symbols if they are right in front of me.:vsign:

MissFrank12 04-27-2008 11:49 PM

I would love to learn some more Japanese I'll add you now *giggles*

ocelot 05-27-2008 06:50 AM


Who studies currently Japanese language?:)

Kandierain15 05-27-2008 08:03 PM

I know simple greetings and goodbyes but I'm pathetic! I can't even count. I know....ichi=1 Ni=2 an so on up to 20....but that's about it. Plus I have a book that gives you the name of many single words. Like Kurai I think that means dark....man I need to practice!

tsukimoon 05-27-2008 08:17 PM

I really really want to learn Japanese too! I've wanted to ever since around three years ago, but I never actually tried until a month or so ago... right now all I know is all the hiragana, the first five katakana, one kanji (愛
- ai [love], learned it kind of on accident), and some simple phrases. It kills me how much I could have known by now if I had tried learning three years ago... T_T Oh well, later's better than not at all, or whatever that expression is that slips my mind at the moment...

Anyways, I'm learning with my friend at school, but both of us are learning from the same website (japanese-online.com) and oftentimes I end up just teaching her what I've learned, so I'd love to learn with any of you if you want ^.^ and we can help each other more than my friend's helping me xD

See ya!

~Tsukimoon :vsign:

Nathan 05-27-2008 08:26 PM


Originally Posted by Kandierain15 (Post 498823)
I can't even count. I know....ichi=1 Ni=2 an so on up to 20....but that's about it.

The beauty of counting in Japanese is, if you know the 10,100,1000,10000 counters, you can count anything. If you can count to 20, then you can already count to 99

二十 ni-juu -> 20
二十一 ni-juu-ichi -> 21
二十二 ni-juu-ni -> 22
九十 kyuu-juu -> 90

百 -> hyaku -> hundred
千 -> sen -> thousand
万 -> man -> ten thousand
** note on "man", you should always place "ichi" before it for numbers such as 10000, 12000, 10598. You can get away with just sen-ju-ichi for 1011, but for 10100 you would need to say ichiman-hyaku

Edit: Unless you're talking p
about counters like -kai, -ko, -pon .. That's one area I don't have a firm grasp on yet

Crani 05-27-2008 09:02 PM

I have been trying to learn Japanese by own, like so many of you. I know simple stuff like counting to five, presentations, some Hiragana, Katakana, one Kanji and some lose words. I hope to learn more in the future.

ocelot 05-28-2008 03:29 PM


Originally Posted by Kandierain15 (Post 498823)
I know simple greetings and goodbyes but I'm pathetic! I can't even count. I know....ichi=1 Ni=2 an so on up to 20....but that's about it. Plus I have a book that gives you the name of many single words. Like Kurai I think that means dark....man I need to practice!

We practise the countings rather often on the language lesson.my virtual classmate sometimes smarter,than I......:angryblob:

ocelot 05-28-2008 03:51 PM


Originally Posted by tsukimoon (Post 498851)
I really really want to learn Japanese too! I've wanted to ever since around three years ago, but I never actually tried until a month or so ago... right now all I know is all the hiragana, the first five katakana, one kanji (愛
- ai [love], learned it kind of on accident), and some simple phrases. It kills me how much I could have known by now if I had tried learning three years ago... T_T Oh well, later's better than not at all, or whatever that expression is that slips my mind at the moment...

Anyways, I'm learning with my friend at school, but both of us are learning from the same website (japanese-online.com) and oftentimes I end up just teaching her what I've learned, so I'd love to learn with any of you if you want ^.^ and we can help each other more than my friend's helping me xD

See ya!

~Tsukimoon :vsign:

I postponed it for a long time.I planned that I set about studying the Japanese language sincere for a long time already.

tsukimoon 05-28-2008 07:27 PM


Originally Posted by ocelot (Post 499508)
I postponed it for a long time.I planned that I set about studying the Japanese language sincere for a long time already.

Have you started now? I only started studying it sincerely about a month ago... and all of July I can't learn anything new, though I guess I can study what I already know (because I'll be on a trip to Israel all month and I won't have much free time at ALL T_T).

ocelot 05-29-2008 06:32 PM


Originally Posted by tsukimoon (Post 499750)
Have you started now? I only started studying it sincerely about a month ago... and all of July I can't learn anything new, though I guess I can study what I already know (because I'll be on a trip to Israel all month and I won't have much free time at ALL T_T).

Already more,than half year I started studying.A friend of mine recommended this it On-Line style,that directly from Japanese studying ;)

tsukimoon 05-29-2008 07:58 PM


Originally Posted by ocelot (Post 500946)
Already more,than half year I started studying.A friend of mine recommended this it On-Line style,that directly from Japanese studying ;)

That's cool :D If I thought my parents could pay for it I would ask them to enroll me in a distance learning course, but it's already expensive enough for just my brother, since he does ALL his schooling through distance learning.

Oh well... I'm trying to get as far as I can on my own :cool:


ocelot 05-30-2008 10:12 PM


Originally Posted by tsukimoon (Post 501006)
That's cool :D If I thought my parents could pay for it I would ask them to enroll me in a distance learning course, but it's already expensive enough for just my brother, since he does ALL his schooling through distance learning.

Oh well... I'm trying to get as far as I can on my own :cool:


This distance education worked for me.In this manner much easier to be learning,than before.the others, who study the Japanese language together with me, they help to study well.:vsign:

hanibal81 05-31-2008 10:45 PM

I'm about learning Kana, but get lost in most cases, any help about those two:ywave:

yukochan 06-02-2008 02:42 AM

i 've studied for about 3months in a japanese language school, i,ve learned the basics, katakana, hiragana, and kanji but i don' think its enough... i still need to learn more, oshiete kudasai...:)

rakashael 06-02-2008 02:55 AM

I've been studying japanese for about two years. I can write and read both katakana and hiragana. I am still working on kanji. There are some helpful sites that are free to use:


I can help you out too, anytime you need help with katakana and hiragana I can teach you. The hardest part is word association; what I mean by that is looking at the characters and knowing what word it is in english.
I hope that helps, good luck.


xnamelessx 06-02-2008 02:35 PM


Originally Posted by rakashael (Post 503347)
I've been studying japanese for about two years. I can write and read both katakana and hiragana. I am still working on kanji. There are some helpful sites that are free to use:


I can help you out too, anytime you need help with katakana and hiragana I can teach you. The hardest part is word association; what I mean by that is looking at the characters and knowing what word it is in english.
I hope that helps, good luck.


japanese pod 101 are good! you can download their free podcast on itunes and if you have a nokia n95.

rakashael 06-04-2008 05:25 AM


Originally Posted by xnamelessx (Post 503623)
japanese pod 101 are good! you can download their free podcast on itunes and if you have a nokia n95.

Yep, that is true. Also I've found that romajiquest.com is an RPG that teaches Japanese. It is kind of lame but actually really works. Though to get the full version it costs about $11.00US to get it. I haven't gotten the full version yet, but I will soon. It is helpful and pretty amusing.


Nisseki 07-06-2008 01:26 AM

what ive found is really good is tapeing the list of symbols you want to learn (and other info) around the house so you cant escape them and after waking up with a big in my face and looking in the mirrior to fid it in my sleepy face again and etc. maybe when school starts again have a new symbol every day and write it in between classes in your locker!
this works for me! (yes it drives my parents crazy!)

Nisseki 07-06-2008 01:29 AM


there was this really great verbs dictionary for 30$
and a kanji dictionary for 60$
i dunno about asking for all of that but i think they might be extremely useful if not nessary for my learning abilites.

Does anyone agree with me?
Would you get the verb or kanji dictionary?(I already have a regular one and these are extremely detailed about what theyre talking about.)
And rosetta stone whaddya think of that program?

plz anser it would mean a whole lot. ^_^

rakashael 07-27-2008 09:09 AM


Originally Posted by Nisseki (Post 528994)
plz anser it would mean a whole lot. ^_^

I haven't tried either of them and cant really afford it. Though I did get a japanese/english dictionary for about... $10.00US. I would try it first then if I liked it I would get it in full.


chryuop 07-27-2008 01:05 PM

Some "must-have" programs and sites.

NJStar Word Processor - very good word processor with a kanji dictionary inside. Very good program, only drawback is way too expensive (if not wrong around 200 US$).
NJCommunicator - Good IME program, to write kana and kanji. It is very similar to the one provided by microsoft so I wouldn't spend the money (if this one is very expensive).
Readwrite Kanji - Don't remember the price, but you can download it online for free as evaluation with a limit of 10 or 50 kanji. Full version contains all 1945 basic kanji. Allows you to build your own list (as in you decide what kanji to work with and adding them when you are ready to go on) and offers exercises with the kanji in the list. Amongst the exercise there are multiple choice question about the meaning of kanji, ON reading and KUN reading, the radical of the kanji, the order of strokes and more.
Wakan - Completely free program. Dictionary of kanji (for Chinese, Japanese and Korean languages) with example phrases. The Japanese dictionary contains over 6,000 kanji.

Grammar site:
guidetoJapanese I can say one of the most complete grammar online. I like it above all coz reduces to a very minimum (almost nothing) the use of romaji. Getting used to learning with romaji in my opinion slows down a lot the learning process.
Japanese-Online.com Another very good grammar online which provides also written dialogues as examples, much better than a single phrase.

Just my 2 cents...

manners 07-27-2008 01:37 PM

I think people have to focus on using the language as much as possible. A good solid learning programme is best to follow with lots of practise be that on the net or in person.

chryuop 07-27-2008 03:14 PM

Actually I think a program is good as refreshing something or studying new grammar. For the rest turn off the computer and use pen and paper. Have a page of newspaper or something written in Japanese, a dictionary, paper and pen and start working.
Typing won't bring you far at all in studying.

Icenite 07-27-2008 09:23 PM

I am learning Japanese too right now. I learning all the Harakana rite now. It is lot of fun. I have pick up a few words here and there by watching J-drama and anime. But anything you want to share be sweet.

can e-mail me at [email protected] or you can PM me here.

manners 07-28-2008 02:15 AM


Originally Posted by Icenite (Post 549154)
I am learning Japanese too right now. I learning all the Harakana rite now. It is lot of fun. I have pick up a few words here and there by watching J-drama and anime. But anything you want to share be sweet.

can e-mail me at [email protected] or you can PM me here.

Hi Icenite,

Good luck with learning Japanese. I have studied it and use it daily. It can be easy to use as a basic language but gets more difficult when trying to express oneself.

Watching Japanese dramas is good for learning the intonation and expressions that people use. Childrens anime is good for learning adjectives and vocabulary etc. But you need to learn from a solid programme be that computer based, book and cd based to know what you are watching on TV.

Learning the different verb forms is quite essential for meaning other thatn the verb meaning. The longer you study the more you realise what I mean.

It's hiragana and katakana by the way.


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