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UrikosRandomStalker 10-21-2008 04:45 AM

square-enix games on the 360
before i start this, i just wanna apologize. cause i bet there will be fan boys/girls screaming and shouting at eachother over this. please keep this thread clean. and again, sorry for all the drama this thread might cause >_<

also, i'm going to abreviate "square-enix" with SE. it's a ffxi habbit. we always use "SE"

ok! so in case you havn't noticed, but i bet you did, SE has been going on with a cluster fuck of games mainly for the xbox 360. the first sign of this happened with the release of ffxi for the 360. after that, we've seen the exclusive loss of ffxiii to the 360 (yes, i know japan's version will be ps3 only. and i know ffxiii versus is ps3 only in all areas. but for the sake of this discusion, i'm mentioning the 360's version of ffxiii). then comes the exclusives like infinite undiscovery, star ocean, and then also comes the fact that the last remnant will be released on the 360 before it's released on the ps3. (random note: the last remnant will be released on windows before the ps3. again, microsoft)

so in the end, you see all these great games going to the 360. both me and uriko refuse to buy 360s even though there are these great games.

so now the great question: thought or opinions on this 360 game wave and why not the ps3?

XjapanFOREVER 10-21-2008 09:59 AM

well, I bought my 360 JUST for Star Ocean: The Last Hope, which hits the US in March...

So, it's just kind of sitting there..... the last and only game I bought for it was Infinite Undiscovery, which all in all wasn't that bad, bad I expected more when it came to Square...

UrikosRandomStalker 10-21-2008 10:01 AM


Originally Posted by XjapanFOREVER (Post 612327)
well, I bought my 360 JUST for Star Ocean: The Last Hope, which hits the US in March...

yeah i wanted to do that too, but uriko convinced me not to do it

DSX 10-21-2008 01:58 PM

It would be a wonder to see Final Fantasy 7 on one of these consoles.

Why not get the updated versions of these games?

UrikosRandomStalker 10-21-2008 03:29 PM


Originally Posted by DSX (Post 612387)
It would be a wonder to see Final Fantasy 7 on one of these consoles.

Why not get the updated versions of these games?

that would be cool. i'm sure if enough games were re-made, i'd get a 360. then uriko would steal it >_>

DSX 10-21-2008 03:37 PM


Originally Posted by UrikosRandomStalker (Post 612488)
that would be cool. i'm sure if enough games were re-made, i'd get a 360. then uriko would steal it >_>

With a name like UrikosRandomStalker, it sounds like it should be YOU who does the stealing.

UrikosRandomStalker 10-21-2008 03:43 PM


Originally Posted by DSX (Post 612497)
With a name like UrikosRandomStalker, it sounds like it should be YOU who does the stealing.

yeah you would think that would be true. it's sad that she would be the one stealing.

ThirdSight 10-21-2008 04:00 PM

I'd imagine it's all in the marketing. My facts are most likely wrong, but the PS3 got off to a pretty bad start, losing money over the fact that their system cost more than the games did; it'd take a long time for a gamer to pay his system off in games he/she enjoyed. 360 on the other hand, made it's way into the market as the newest next-gen system before any other system did, and it's got a good lead as far as number of games are concerned for it. A lot of people own it, though PS3 has made it's way into people's homes with MGS4 and a few others. Of course, the PS3 only has a few "good" games for it, whereas the 360 has a fairly wide selection to choose from.

SE may just see that it'd reduce the cost to put their game on the 360, and they'd turn a larger profit from it instead of having it exclusively on the PS3. Of course, SE doesn't want to lose the audience that they have already, so they're releasing it for both systems instead of making an entire switch.

At least that's my take on it.

UrikosRandomStalker 10-21-2008 04:20 PM


Originally Posted by ThirdSight (Post 612510)
I'd imagine it's all in the marketing. My facts are most likely wrong, but the PS3 got off to a pretty bad start, losing money over the fact that their system cost more than the games did; it'd take a long time for a gamer to pay his system off in games he/she enjoyed. 360 on the other hand, made it's way into the market as the newest next-gen system before any other system did, and it's got a good lead as far as number of games are concerned for it. A lot of people own it, though PS3 has made it's way into people's homes with MGS4 and a few others. Of course, the PS3 only has a few "good" games for it, whereas the 360 has a fairly wide selection to choose from.

SE may just see that it'd reduce the cost to put their game on the 360, and they'd turn a larger profit from it instead of having it exclusively on the PS3. Of course, SE doesn't want to lose the audience that they have already, so they're releasing it for both systems instead of making an entire switch.

At least that's my take on it.

that does seem like a logical explanation. but on a random note: kotaku.com has a recent story of a demo xbox360 in akihabara with the red ring of death. thought that was amusing

Akihabara: Microsoft, This Is How You Blow Your PS3 Lead In Japan

Crani 10-21-2008 04:47 PM

Probably the owners didn't realize that the console was broken and didn't bother to change it, but as you may or may not know the Xbox 360 as been marking it's territory in Japan, if you look at last week and the week before that number you'll see that the PS3 is dropping in the selling board, and this is because of the recent wave of exclusives the Xbox 360 as been getting, and why do they pass this exclusives to the Xbox 360? Because the games to the PS3 are a bitch to develop, this is because of the Blu-ray, which are also very expensive, and the Xbox uses the same old developing system the PS2 (Not the same, but close to that) did and the DVD technology as been around for along time and it's cheaper then the Blu-rays, which will also mean a bigger profit. Unless Sony pulls a big rabbit out of there ass, this generation belongs to the Xbox 360.

Tyrien 10-21-2008 04:55 PM

Money, and only money.

UrikosRandomStalker 10-21-2008 05:00 PM


Originally Posted by Crani (Post 612561)
Probably the owners didn't realize that the console was broken and didn't bother to change it, but as you may or may not know the Xbox 360 as been marking it's territory in Japan, if you look at last week and the week before that number you'll see that the PS3 is dropping in the selling board, and this is because of the recent wave of exclusives the Xbox 360 as been getting, and why do they pass this exclusives to the Xbox 360? Because the games to the PS3 are a bitch to develop, this is because of the Blu-ray, which are also very expensive, and the Xbox uses the same old developing system the PS2 (Not the same, but close to that) did and the DVD technology as been around for along time and it's cheaper then the Blu-rays, which will also in a bigger profit. Unless Sony pulls a big rabbit out of there ass, this generation belongs to the Xbox 360.

yeah i've heard of the 360 selling out in japan. i'm asuming that it's cause of all these SE games coming out. but i could be wrong :/

Tyrien 10-21-2008 05:24 PM


Originally Posted by Crani (Post 612561)
Probably the owners didn't realize that the console was broken and didn't bother to change it, but as you may or may not know the Xbox 360 as been marking it's territory in Japan, if you look at last week and the week before that number you'll see that the PS3 is dropping in the selling board, and this is because of the recent wave of exclusives the Xbox 360 as been getting, and why do they pass this exclusives to the Xbox 360? Because the games to the PS3 are a bitch to develop, this is because of the Blu-ray, which are also very expensive, and the Xbox uses the same old developing system the PS2 (Not the same, but close to that) did and the DVD technology as been around for along time and it's cheaper then the Blu-rays, which will also in a bigger profit. Unless Sony pulls a big rabbit out of there ass, this generation belongs to the Xbox 360.

If you've paid as much attention to the gaming industry as you've led on you'd know there won't be any winner for this generation.

Uriko 10-21-2008 08:01 PM

last time i checked stalkers were supposed to be admirers, not accusers. -_-;

& i wouldn't steal your kaka xbox. even if it looked like this:

& that's saying a LOT, since you know i have ZERO immunity against cute things.

so, if you want one tamaken, go & get one.

but don't blame me if i never let you live it down
& i point & laugh at you everytime i see you.

i don't have an xbox because
A. i'm not rich
B. it's just not cost effective to get one.

even with all the SE games out for it.
'cause..i don't just play SE games.

DSX 10-21-2008 08:09 PM


Originally Posted by Uriko (Post 612671)
i don't have an xbox because
A. i'm not rich
B. it's just not cost effective to get one.

Not cost effective? You must not be a hardcore gamer then.

UrikosRandomStalker 10-21-2008 08:10 PM

i just got owned :D

Uriko 10-21-2008 08:10 PM


Originally Posted by DSX (Post 612673)
Not cost effective? You must not be a hardcore gamer then.

oh god. "hardcore" gamer?

i take it you're an xbox fan?:rolleyes:

UrikosRandomStalker 10-21-2008 08:11 PM


Originally Posted by DSX (Post 612673)
Not cost effective? You must not be a hardcore gamer then.

not nesesarily true. just cause you're a hard core gamer doesn't mean you have to like every game out there

XjapanFOREVER 10-21-2008 08:15 PM


Originally Posted by DSX (Post 612387)
It would be a wonder to see Final Fantasy 7 on one of these consoles.

Why not get the updated versions of these games?

you would NEVER see FFVII remade on ANY system besides the main SONY system during the time it's remade....

Believe me..... it would not happen...

DSX 10-21-2008 08:18 PM


Originally Posted by UrikosRandomStalker (Post 612677)
not nesesarily true. just cause you're a hard core gamer doesn't mean you have to like every game out there

I know. It just means that you at least try to keep up with current systems, right?

DSX 10-21-2008 08:19 PM


Originally Posted by Uriko (Post 612675)
oh god. "hardcore" gamer?

i take it you're an xbox fan?:rolleyes:

Of the 360, yes. Of the regular Xbox, no. Mine just crapped out on me. It keeps freezing the games and saying something's wrong with the discs, even if they're completely clean.

Uriko 10-21-2008 08:20 PM


Originally Posted by DSX (Post 612683)
I know. It just means that you at least try to keep up with current systems, right?

oh, i always thought that it meant being really good at video games that no one could win against you.

& that you make weak, loud, noobie gamers stfu.

UrikosRandomStalker 10-21-2008 08:21 PM


Originally Posted by DSX (Post 612683)
I know. It just means that you at least try to keep up with current systems, right?

the problem with that though is that you're saying every hard core gamer is rich. if there were 2 people, 1 rich and 1 poor, and they both share the same knowledge of video games and gaming itself, but only the rich kid can afford the systems, you're saying that only the rich kid is a hard core gamer. does that seem fair?

DSX 10-21-2008 08:21 PM


Originally Posted by Uriko (Post 612686)
oh, i always thought that it meant being really good at video games that no one could win against you.

& that you make weak, loud, noobie gamers stfu.

If they're annoying, yes. I kick ass and take names.

Uriko 10-21-2008 08:23 PM


Originally Posted by DSX (Post 612685)
Of the 360, yes. Of the regular Xbox, no. Mine just crapped out on me. It keeps freezing the games and saying something's wrong with the discs, even if they're completely clean.

& when i said it wasn't cost effective..

it's cause, if i did get an xbox, i'd play like..what..2 games? 3?

i'm not keeping up with xbox 'cause the last time i checked it doesn't have any of the kinds of games i play.

& if it did, like first person shooter games (halo), there are better ones for the PC or ones i'd rather prefer (counterstrike).

DSX 10-21-2008 08:23 PM


Originally Posted by UrikosRandomStalker (Post 612687)
the problem with that though is that you're saying every hard core gamer is rich. if there were 2 people, 1 rich and 1 poor, and they both share the same knowledge of video games and gaming itself, but only the rich kid can afford the systems, you're saying that only the rich kid is a hard core gamer. does that seem fair?

I'm not. I'm just poking a little fun and joking that hardcore gamers get every console they can.

Uriko 10-21-2008 08:26 PM


Originally Posted by DSX (Post 612691)
I'm not. I'm just poking a little fun and joking that hardcore gamers get every console they can.

that's just sad.

bet if they were REALLY rich they'd try to buy every single video game they can.

DSX 10-21-2008 08:28 PM


Originally Posted by Uriko (Post 612695)
that's just sad.

bet if they were REALLY rich they'd try to buy every single video game they can.

I say screwed up stuff when I'm bored sometimes.

ThirdSight 10-21-2008 11:17 PM


Originally Posted by Uriko (Post 612671)

There's no way I could play that. I'd be so driven to hug it, there'd be no time to play it.

Meta77 10-21-2008 11:45 PM


Originally Posted by ThirdSight (Post 612805)
There's no way I could play that. I'd be so driven to hug it, there'd be no time to play it.

lol look at mini 360 XD

UrikosRandomStalker 10-21-2008 11:54 PM


Originally Posted by ThirdSight (Post 612805)
There's no way I could play that. I'd be so driven to hug it, there'd be no time to play it.

it makes a good pillow :)

Tyrien 10-21-2008 11:56 PM


Originally Posted by XjapanFOREVER (Post 612678)
you would NEVER see FFVII remade on ANY system besides the main SONY system during the time it's remade....

Believe me..... it would not happen...

Unless Sony has the rights to the Final Fantasy 7 IP, don't have your fingers crossed for Sony exclusivity.

UrikosRandomStalker 10-22-2008 12:55 AM


Originally Posted by Tyrien (Post 612829)
Unless Sony has the rights to the Final Fantasy 7 IP, don't have your fingers crossed for Sony exclusivity.

yeah...i agree. we all know what happened when we depended on sony for exclusive rights to a certain final fantasy game

Tyrien 10-22-2008 01:17 AM

Uhm no.

It's more like 3rd party exclusives are a dwindling niche among game developers.

UrikosRandomStalker 10-22-2008 01:20 AM


Originally Posted by Tyrien (Post 612880)
Uhm no.

It's more like 3rd party exclusives are a dwindling niche among game developers.

that sounds like you're saying 3rd party publishers aren't doing exclusives anymore even though this thread is suposed to be discusing how 1/2 of SE's games are 360 exclusives. i don't wanna bring up blue dragon's studio for doing only 360 games.

Tyrien 10-22-2008 01:39 AM

Square enix's only exclusive game is Infinite Undiscovery. Star Ocean 3 is being developed by Tri-Ace and published by Square enix.

FFXIII is multi-platform.
FFXIII is PS3 exclusive.

Anything else major is coming out for handhelds.

So 1 game out of several is 360 exclusive. Remember, Star Ocean is not developed by Square Enix. Though Tri-Ace is a subsidiary it's still a different company.

You have to remember too WHY Star Ocean is on 360 (though sighs point to multi-platform, likely it will be.) There was hardly any development ground into the PS3 when Star Ocean started development, it was the only established HD territory for Tri Ace to work on. There was a choice to be made and the 360 had a better position, being more cost effective.

Before you guys go around spouting crap about how Square did this, Square did that, Square hates who. Try and think logically about it for just a minute.

UrikosRandomStalker 10-22-2008 01:48 AM


Originally Posted by Tyrien (Post 612892)
Square enix's only exclusive game is Infinite Undiscovery. Star Ocean 3 is being developed by Tri-Ace and published by Square enix.

FFXIII is multi-platform.
FFXIII is PS3 exclusive.

Anything else major is coming out for handhelds.

So 1 game out of several is 360 exclusive. Remember, Star Ocean is not developed by Square Enix. Though Tri-Ace is a subsidiary it's still a different company.

You have to remember too WHY Star Ocean is on 360 (though sighs point to multi-platform, likely it will be.) There was hardly any development ground into the PS3 when Star Ocean started development, it was the only established HD territory for Tri Ace to work on. There was a choice to be made and the 360 had a better position, being more cost effective.

Before you guys go around spouting crap about how Square did this, Square did that, Square hates who. Try and think logically about it for just a minute.

so you're saying, give it time and SE will begin more multi platform stuff?

and i warned you on the first post of this thread that there would be arguments and stuff like that. lol

Yuna7780 10-25-2008 06:14 PM

As for I'm one of those pissed gamers about the 360 games by SE...

How would everybody feel if more SE games were go be released on the Wii?

I know there's the Chocobo Dungeon, but what if FFXIII would really be released for the Wii also? What if it were to be released not on the 360, but Wii instead?

I want to hear your reactions to this.

UrikosRandomStalker 10-25-2008 06:23 PM


Originally Posted by Yuna7780 (Post 615521)
As for I'm one of those pissed gamers about the 360 games by SE...

How would everybody feel if more SE games were go be released on the Wii?

I know there's the Chocobo Dungeon, but what if FFXIII would really be released for the Wii also? What if it were to be released not on the 360, but Wii instead?

I want to hear your reactions to this.

the issue with that isn't just with SE. the wii was made to be a party type system. and with the controls of the wii, and the size of game discs, it's hard to make games ported for the wii. the developers for wii games want to "take advantage of the new system controls". so in theory, and this goes a long with every other developer, actual games rather than party / kid games on the wii is almost imposible.

don't get me wrong, i said ALMOST imposible. there's games like zelda and smash brothers that will live on as "actual games".

as for my opinion...it would really depend on the game itself. when i play a game, i want it to be as enjoyable as posible. if i played ff13 on the wii, that would seem akward. but then games like chocobo dungeon, i can see it would work really well on the wii.

Uriko 10-25-2008 06:26 PM

if SE games were released on the wii, i wouldn't mind it as much as compared to it being released on the xbox.

'cause i just have a personal grudge against the console.

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