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iPhantom 06-01-2009 11:50 PM

E3 2009
Did anybody watch E3 Microsoft and Electronic Arts live today?

I did and it was amazing especially for Microsoft.


Project Natal YouTube - Project Natal for XBOX 360

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 YouTube - Modern Warfare 2 E3 2009

Forza Motorsport 3 YouTube - Forza 3: E3 2009 Debut Trailer - XRC www.xboxracing.net

Left 4 Dead 2 YouTube - Left 4 Dead 2 Trailer! E3 2009

Project Natal totally stunned me. Sure we lack the technology of being that perfect but someday in the future it might be achievable.

Electronic Arts

I don't have any videos right now but there was an announcement for Crisis 2.

And the greatest trailer for EA's conference was of the new Star Wars: Old Republic. Here: YouTube - Star Wars Old Republic E3 2009 Cinematic Trailer

Tomorrow it is Sony's and Nintendo's turn. What will the biggest japanese console makers have in surprise against the software giant?

For live broadcasting and times go to E3 2009, E3 Coverage, E3 Conference - G4tv.com. It is the official one for this year.

Next Conferences:

Nintendo conference (June 2, 2009 09.00am PST)
Finished, trailers coming soon

Sony conference (June 2, 2009 11.00am PST)
Finished, trailers coming soon

RKitagawa 06-02-2009 12:00 AM

I watched some of Microsoft's press conference (mainly the Natal part)

and I... got mixed feelings. It didn't look that impressive from what I saw.

BUT! it makes me very excited to see an improved version of this, makes me feel like crazy virtual reality games aren't too far away now.

Peter Molyneux had some impressive stuff too, although that boy in the demo was clearly made to look more responsive/interactive than he probably is.

Looking forward to sony and nintendo most though (never been a microsoft fan myself)

I hope we get to see more of Trico! (new game from Ico, and Shadow of the Colossus creators)

Kenpachi11 06-02-2009 12:03 AM

ah shoot!! i didnt know it was on!! :mad:

iPhantom 06-02-2009 12:03 AM

Project Trico has a trailer leak weeks ago, but it was from old internal testing.

And I think Microsoft can pull off this one. Like I said it, we're still far for having capable hardware to recognize movement and voice so good but in the future I'm sure it won't be impossible. Sony's EyeToy was a total failure in comparison.

I like the movies selection feature. That won't be hard to achieve.

I'm also looking forward to Square-Enix press conference.

Salvanas 06-02-2009 12:05 AM


Originally Posted by iPhantom (Post 726945)
Project Trico has a trailer leak weeks ago, but it was from old internal testing.

And I think Microsoft can pull off this one. Like I said it, we're still far for having capable hardware to recognize movement and voice so good but in the future I'm sure it won't be impossible. Sony's EyeToy was a total failure in comparison.

I like the movies selection feature. That won't be hard to achieve.

I'm also looking forward to Square-Enix press conference.

Comparison to what though? To something that hasn't even been created yet?

We can't judge such things before they haven't come out yet.

Also, CoD:MW2 looks fucking amazing.

Kenpachi11 06-02-2009 12:06 AM


Originally Posted by Salvanas (Post 726950)
Also, CoD:MW2 looks fucking amazing.

yes it does look amazing!! I cant wait to see more about it and espicially for the multiplayer!

iPhantom 06-02-2009 12:07 AM


Originally Posted by Salvanas (Post 726950)

Comparison to what though? To something that hasn't even been created yet?

EyeToy wasn't responsive at all. I doubt Microsoft would make this a big thing if it was at the same level of EyeToy.

BTW, I edited the main post with Nintendo's conference times.

RKitagawa 06-02-2009 12:11 AM


Originally Posted by iPhantom (Post 726945)
Project Trico has a trailer leak weeks ago, but it was from old internal testing.

And I think Microsoft can pull off this one. Like I said it, we're still far for having capable hardware to recognize movement and voice so good but in the future I'm sure it won't be impossible. Sony's EyeToy was a total failure in comparison.

I like the movies selection feature. That won't be hard to achieve.

I'm also looking forward to Square-Enix press conference.

yeah i saw that trailer, IMO it looked amazing. concept-wise, I hope we get to hear more in detail about it though.

the main thing that really turned me off about natal is when that dude was showing off his avatar, and the limbs were shooting off in weird directions... not very pretty. Overall it just seemed kinda buggy (which im sure will be improved before release)

"ever wonder what the bottom of your avatar's shoe looks like? .... BAM!"
*avatar's arm flies through it's head*

iPhantom 06-02-2009 12:12 AM


Originally Posted by RKitagawa (Post 726958)
yeah i saw that trailer, IMO it looked amazing. concept-wise, I hope we get to hear more in detail about it though.

And it was said that graphics are heavily improved compared to that trailer. I hope wee see something awesome during E3.

Quailboy 06-02-2009 12:17 AM

I just creamed myself while watching the Project Natal demo...

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