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(#121 (permalink))
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08-02-2008, 04:57 AM

Originally Posted by loveskyliemole View Post
I see, but I don't have many "dudes" to hang out with here in Nagano.

Yeah, I love kids, kids are fun!
I have been dealing with adults (customers) and they could be
soooooooooooooooooooooooo demanding and I get sick of it.
you know, kids can be selfish and all sometimes, but they are basically honest!

So your "spanish speaking countries" means like Europe?
no darling, Spanish-speaking countries, I mean Spain plus the majority of Latin American countries........

as for grown-up guys, they have been tougher to deal with these days....if they are demanding that makes you sick, just try to do the same and let them know who is the boss....hehehe

In a communist country, there's one president who grabs all life's benefits, dozens of burocrats who drain tax payers' money and 8 million go through harsh starvation.
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(#122 (permalink))
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hiya - 08-02-2008, 07:15 PM

Originally Posted by Alvinho View Post
no darling, Spanish-speaking countries, I mean Spain plus the majority of Latin American countries........

as for grown-up guys, they have been tougher to deal with these days....if they are demanding that makes you sick, just try to do the same and let them know who is the boss....hehehe
Yes, I meant Spain.
Do you call the people or countries use Spanish, Espanish?
I don't know how to use this word, much.
Can you tell me?

I wish I could let them know who is the boss! hahaha
Even they made me sick, I don't want to make them sick,
I don't want to go down to the same level with them.
But deep down, I really want to yell!
I am totally sick with people who is so selfish, and don't know how other people would think or feel but say "So what?".

Anyway, actually there are very good people around me.90% are nice.
I realize that it's just wasting my time to think and get worried about people who are only 10%.

Have a good weekend

kylie Mole Rules I miss her !!!!

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(#123 (permalink))
StripMahjong (Offline)
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08-03-2008, 08:06 PM

Originally Posted by loveskyliemole View Post
Did you know that many Kansai girls think Kanto(around Tokyo) boys sound weak,
because of their accents and their slangs.
(but some think it sounds cool and intelligent.)
知りませんでした。 僕はかわいい関西の女性を会った ら、大変です! 関西弁はちょっとしか話せません。

Well, I don't know if it's a good thing, but it's definitely "useful" I think.
はは。 そうかもしれません。

Once I said "sh-t" when I broke something, and
my little Aussie girl friend (she was 7 years old) said

"Oh Mayumi, don't say that! Say "Suger"!"

So since then I try to say suger instead of "sh-t".

"Sh-t" sounds very bad ? Is it inappropriate for me to use?
はい、すごく強くて、悪い言葉です(特に子供はいると きに)。

You should really only use it when with friends or family who don't mind (or by yourself, of course).

"Shoot" is a commonly used alternative (such as saying, "Oh, shoot!"), though I kind of like "sugar." It would be kind of funny to hear someone say that in a situation where they would usually use the other word (which is usually referred to as the "S-word" when you don't want to or can't say it out loud).

I have a question,

You are in Japan, you met a pretty a girl (Japanese), then you asked her out to dinner,
Would you pay everything? or Would you expect for her to pay a little bit?

There are 3 types of girls in Japan
(It's only written in Mayumi's book so I can't guarantee)

Type A: expecting boys to pay every single things. It doesn't mean they have no money, but they think they are selling their time to be with the boy, so they simply expect to be paid for it.

Type B: appreciates if the boys pay for it, and they take their purse out of her bag and ask him if he wants her to pay some too at the checking counter(In Japan, we don't usually pay at the table, but the counter near the exit), but deep down, they know or believe that the boy wouldn't say "yes, you pay half of it!", so they are not really going to pay any.

Type C: appreciates if the boys pay for it, but they pay some or half.
It could be depend on how rich the boy is. If the boy have a good job with a good pay, maybe Type C girl pay for the drinks. But if the boy is a student, this girl definitely pay half, even he is from a rich family.

I think 60% of 15-26 years old (sometimes over 27 too) are
type A girls.

Around 22-29 years old, some are changing and becoming Type B.

Basically, Type C girls are always Type C.
10% or less girls are this type.

Did I sound stupid? but this is what I believe.

僕もそういうタイプを見たことがあります。 たぶん、 日本だけじゃないと思います。


まゆみ先生のタイプはどれですか? 「C」だと思いま す。 

「まだ 見つかりません。」
あ。 またその間違いをしてしまいました。

私は160cmくらいだから うらやましいです!
僕もうらやましいです! いつも彼女と話すときに、上 に見なければなりません。 ちょっと恥ずかしいです。  



すみません。 先に注意したほうがよかった。

もし、二人が運命の二人、なら いつかきっと チャン スがあると思います。
僕たちはまだ独身だから、まだチャンスが来るかもしれ ませんけれど、やっぱりたぶん運命の二人じゃありませ ん。 その日からたくさん時間かかりました。

Wow, I am impressed, man!!!
Your Japanese's totally great! I totally understand your love story!

Now I forgive you haha!

You can be fluent in the near future, I guarantee!
そうですか? また、ありがとうございます。 僕は本 当に日本語でぺらぺらになったら、まゆみ先生のおかげ です。
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(#124 (permalink))
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08-03-2008, 11:35 PM

Originally Posted by loveskyliemole View Post
Yes, I meant Spain.
Do you call the people or countries use Spanish, Espanish?
I don't know how to use this word, much.
Can you tell me?

I wish I could let them know who is the boss! hahaha
Even they made me sick, I don't want to make them sick,
I don't want to go down to the same level with them.
But deep down, I really want to yell!
I am totally sick with people who is so selfish, and don't know how other people would think or feel but say "So what?".

Anyway, actually there are very good people around me.90% are nice.
I realize that it's just wasting my time to think and get worried about people who are only 10%.

Have a good weekend
I should realize how wrong I've been because I'm used to keeping bad feelings inside my heart over incovenient people even I'm aware they make up 10% of mankind.....but the more I know people the more I like dogs.....

Why have your students been more demanding??

Well, whoever was born in Spain is a Spaniard.....therefore, the official language is Spanish (know also castellano), as well as others like Catalan, Galician and Vasco....well, in the majority of Latin American countries, Spanish is spoken....

In a communist country, there's one president who grabs all life's benefits, dozens of burocrats who drain tax payers' money and 8 million go through harsh starvation.
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(#125 (permalink))
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hiya - 08-04-2008, 12:58 AM

Originally Posted by Alvinho View Post
but the more I know people the more I like dogs.....
I agree!

There are great people out there, but feels like there are more bad ones.
I don't mean I am perfect and I could be mean to someone(but only when he/she was too mean), but I have been trying to be nice to anyone, so
when I meet people who are selfish and don't care others...I get hurt.

I always think if there are only animals (except human being) live in the Earth, this planet would have been much more beautiful.

Why have your students been more demanding??
My students are great, but their parents!
They love rumors, telling other people what the others said...
they never know the others is talking about her too.
It's so sick to see those.

Well, whoever was born in Spain is a Spaniard.....therefore, the official language is Spanish (know also castellano), as well as others like Catalan, Galician and Vasco....well, in the majority of Latin American countries, Spanish is spoken....
Thanks for the lesson!

I met a nice girl from Brazil yesterday at a Brazilian Cafe.
She happens to live near my place.
We're going to help each other the languages.
I am going to learn Portuguese!

kylie Mole Rules I miss her !!!!

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(#126 (permalink))
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hahaha - 08-04-2008, 01:23 AM

Originally Posted by StripMahjong View Post
知りませんでした。 僕はかわいい関西の女性を会った ら、大変です! 関西弁はちょっとしか話せません。

関西の女性 を あったら・・・

関西の女性 に あったら・・・

「~に」 「~を」 の使い方は難しいですね。

はい、すごく強くて、悪い言葉です(特に子供はいると きに)。
"Shoot" is a commonly used alternative (such as saying, "Oh, shoot!"), though I kind of like "sugar." It would be kind of funny to hear someone say that in a situation where they would usually use the other word (which is usually referred to as the "S-word" when you don't want to or can't say it out loud).
I heard

"Oh, shoot" a lot from girls.

What about saying

"Oh, S-word!"

make sense?

If the girl insisted to pay at least half,
Would you think she doesn't like you?

You can find it in the library near you!

僕もそういうタイプを見たことがあります。 たぶん、 日本だけじゃないと思います。
まゆみ先生のタイプはどれですか? 「C」だと思いま す。 


あたり!私は ばっちり タイプCです。
Type C girls get all the good boys in the endhahaha.

僕たちはまだ独身だから、まだチャンスが来るかもしれ ませんけれど、やっぱりたぶん運命の二人じゃありませ ん。 その日からたくさん時間かかりました。
You never know!

but when you meet the right girl, your memories of this girl will turn into a lovely story to remember, right?

When she finds out you are the guy for her finally,then the story is going to have a happy ending, so it's lovely anyway, so anyway, it's going to be a lovely story.

そうですか? また、ありがとうございます。 僕は本 当に日本語でぺらぺらになったら、まゆみ先生のおかげ です。


I think you are a genius and very modest.

kylie Mole Rules I miss her !!!!

Last edited by loveskyliemole : 08-04-2008 at 01:25 AM.
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(#127 (permalink))
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08-04-2008, 01:54 AM

Originally Posted by loveskyliemole View Post
I agree!

There are great people out there, but feels like there are more bad ones.
I don't mean I am perfect and I could be mean to someone(but only when he/she was too mean), but I have been trying to be nice to anyone, so
when I meet people who are selfish and don't care others...I get hurt.

I always think if there are only animals (except human being) live in the Earth, this planet would have been much more beautiful.

My students are great, but their parents!
They love rumors, telling other people what the others said...
they never know the others is talking about her too.
It's so sick to see those.

Thanks for the lesson!

I met a nice girl from Brazil yesterday at a Brazilian Cafe.
She happens to live near my place.
We're going to help each other the languages.
I am going to learn Portuguese!
well, as for people, I'm not generalizing cos I still believe there are good people to copy with....we just gotta believe we'll come across them when we least expect....well, nobody is perfect!!!

As you're an English teacher in a language school, I imagine how hard it must be to deal with parents' demands....I've taught Geography in private to teens who haven't done well in school so I'm aware of the pressure which is put on those kids....I don't rule out to teach English some day....

In a communist country, there's one president who grabs all life's benefits, dozens of burocrats who drain tax payers' money and 8 million go through harsh starvation.
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(#128 (permalink))
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Exclamation English Help wanted! - 08-04-2008, 02:33 PM

Hi there,

I made a schedule for a Kids English Class.

Usually my workmate (from USA) helps me and corrects it, but
he is on his vacation!

Can anyone help me with it?

I would like to send it (file) to you by reguler email.

If you have some Japanese essay or whatever, I would be happy to check and correct it for you too!

kylie Mole Rules I miss her !!!!

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(#129 (permalink))
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08-04-2008, 02:46 PM

I would be willing to help, though I am unsure of how good my work will be

Fortunately, there is one woman in this world who can control me.

Unfortunately for you, she is not here.

"Ride for ruin, and the world ended!"
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(#130 (permalink))
StripMahjong (Offline)
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08-05-2008, 02:21 AM

Originally Posted by loveskyliemole View Post
関西の女性 を あったら・・・

関西の女性 に あったら・・・

「~に」 「~を」 の使い方は難しいですね。
でしょう?   いつも「誰か会う」と言います。 いつか覚えられます。

I heard

"Oh, shoot" a lot from girls.

What about saying

"Oh, S-word!"

make sense?
Unfortunately, it can't really be used like that. I apologize; I didn't really explain it very well. A few examples of use would be:

"Don't say the s-word!"

"You shouldn't say the s-word when others are around."

"I don't want to use the s-word since the children might hear me."

So, you can't really use it when frustrated or angry in the same way that you would use the real "s-word." It tends to only be used when referring to it. Does this make more sense?

If the girl insisted to pay at least half,
Would you think she doesn't like you?
If we were out at dinner and it seemed like she had been having a bad time up until the point she insisted on paying half, I might get the feeling she didn't like me. However, if it seemed like she was having a good time and insisted on paying half, I wouldn't think she didn't like me.

Sorry for kind of a complex answer.


「を」と「に」の使い方を覚えられるまで、ぺらぺらじ ゃないと思います。 

I think you are a genius and very modest.
あれ? 天才? 僕ですか?

いや・・・そうじゃありません。 天才だったら、もう 大学をそつぎょうして、もう日本語でぺらぺらになって 、もう日本で英語を教えます。 

でも、優しい言葉を言ってくれて、ありがとうございま す。 本当の天才はまゆみ先生だと思います! 先生だ から、頭がすごくいいですね。

ところで、まゆみ先生の名前は漢字でどうやって書きま すか? 僕のPCはいつも「まゆみ」を「真由美」になり� ��す。 それは正しいですか?

Hi there,

I made a schedule for a Kids English Class.

Usually my workmate (from USA) helps me and corrects it, but
he is on his vacation!

Can anyone help me with it?

I would like to send it (file) to you by reguler email.

If you have some Japanese essay or whatever, I would be happy to check and correct it for you too!
If you still need help with this, let me know and I will PM you my email.
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