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(#691 (permalink))
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07-18-2008, 12:47 PM

Hey Nyororin,

I was wondering how your son is faring at kindergarten. Does he get treated differently for being a half blood?
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(#692 (permalink))
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07-18-2008, 12:53 PM

Originally Posted by Rogozhin View Post
Hey Nyororin,

I was wondering how your son is faring at kindergarten. Does he get treated differently for being a half blood?
He is treated a bit differently, but it has nothing to do with his race. He has a developmental disorder and needs a level of attention slightly above the other kids. (Mainly because he isn`t good at speaking - he can`t answer questions, and has a hard time telling anyone if something is wrong.)

3 and 4 year olds don`t notice race.

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(#693 (permalink))
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07-18-2008, 01:08 PM

Originally Posted by Nyororin View Post
3 and 4 year olds don`t notice race.
Yeah, I was treated differently in kindergarten too but it had nothing to do with my race. I was just a cry baby who refused to participate in a lot of activities (eg. S-ken). Perhaps they notice race in older people though? I remember paying my old kindergarten a visit with dad a few years back and my old teacher introduced to me to her new class of kids. The first word out of their mouths was "Gaijin!"

Anyway, I hope all goes well for your son.
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(#694 (permalink))
Killrain (Offline)
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07-18-2008, 05:08 PM

@nyororin :

Hello, I'm new to the board ^^
I've read about your exploits in japan, how you started off, and so on.

Apparently I'm totally fascinated with Japan and I'd really like to try and make a new page in the book for myself by living there and probably continuing my studies as well. I'm just about starting Junior year of college, I'm on break now so I figured I'd spend about a month in Japan to see how things really are

A family friend volunteered to take me in for the month, and I really appreciated it, so I'd probably be leaving next week with them and spend the rest of the time there.

Situation as is, I actually don't know squat about Japan. I can understand their language a bit, written and oral, thats probably thanks to countless hours of anime and eroge, but other than that, I'm really unfamiliar. Hence I think you'd be able to help me with some of the home cultural stuff/issues I could be facing.

As I've written down, I'd probably be staying in a house with 4 people living there, the husband, wife, and their 2 children, one of them, a female, being 1 year older and the other, a male, being 2 years younger.

I'm really excited about going, but I can't just help thinking about the possible mistakes I'd probably make, you know it's one of those things that you'd consider to be OK and normal *normally* but it's actually offensive based on the japanese customs. And I'd probably want to do things they'd appreciate and like, so they probably won't feel that 1 month with me

So... what should I start writing down on my memo ?
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(#695 (permalink))
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07-18-2008, 06:43 PM

Hello Nyororin,

I have a few questions. I don't know if they have been answered, so I'm sorry if you have to answer them again.

A lot of people say that Japanese people are not outspoken and open about their feelings. Do you agree with this? If so, could you give me a few examples?

It seems that someone who stayed in Japan for nine days made a report about racism in Japan.

Racial issues in Japan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

No, I'm not asking you to read all of it . I do wonder about the Chinese part . Are Chinese really treated differently because most of the crimes are commited by Chinese or is this report just stupid and doesn't make any (or a lot of) sense?


And about the college part...I know it's best if you graduated from college, so what college studies are the most preferred/needed in Japan? And if your native language is not English, but you did study English at college, will they still hire you as an English teacher?

And have you ever seen a store where no foreigners were allowed?

Last edited by Carol : 07-18-2008 at 08:31 PM.
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(#696 (permalink))
FxAxxRxX (Offline)
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07-19-2008, 02:07 AM

After spending at least 2-3 hours reading 70 pages, I have to say Nyororin that you are very admirable. To do what you did is something I know I would never be able to pull off. I'm glad everything turned in your favor as you deserve every bit of happiness.
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(#697 (permalink))
naruru (Offline)
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07-29-2008, 12:32 AM

Hi I have been studying Japanese since junior high up to college (am now an alumni haha ._. )

I have advanced the language and I'm very proud of myself. However, I'm not improving from where I stopped. I learn the kanji, then I forget within 3 days. I learn the same one again, I still forget. Even if I use it in a sentence I type or when I talk, I still forget. I look up in a dictionary and find a word I've been using that I have completely forgotten!! Even if I try to learn it for more than a year I still forget. ;; I only know up to 350 kanji...

I've been trying to plan to go to Japan since I was in my first year of college. But I can't reach that dream (and still can't) as I'm still trying to save a lot for trip and, hopefully, for living there. And as you can see I can't advance the language unless I have Japanese friends here. BUT when they are here, they only speak in English more than Japanese, more like 80% English, 20% Japanese. I asked them for ideas of how to improve my Japanese. They said to read, read, read. Also watch anime with no subtitles. I've tried that, but the words wouldn't stick to my mind for 6 months, the words often used in books and anime like "futsuu". And then finally, a month ago I remember the word "futsuu" but then the hard part comes like I have said before: KANJI! @_@ That will take more than 6 months. orz I tried writing every day and then a month later, I forget that kanji. Even if I try to read that kanji every day I would just say "something" and skip to the next alphabet/word. Going to my dictionary and then pronounce that kanji is great, but if you keep on saying it every day and then you ultimately forgot how to pronounce it, then...I'm no good lol ;;

Now since I'm living outside of Japan and have no way to improve my Japanese, what's the best technique to improve it without even going to Japan?
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(#698 (permalink))
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07-29-2008, 11:55 AM

Anyways. I got a question for anyone living there;

How cheap can you get a scooter/moped? (doesn't matter if it's old and whatnot, but it has to be in legal condition and work)

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(#699 (permalink))
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07-29-2008, 12:19 PM

scooter? the cheap one you can get is 10000 yen.. you can convert it to your own money rate.. but the price differs on some places..

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(#700 (permalink))
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07-29-2008, 01:22 PM

Originally Posted by kyo_9 View Post
scooter? the cheap one you can get is 10000 yen.. you can convert it to your own money rate.. but the price differs on some places..
Uhh? That seems way wrong.

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