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RKitagawa 04-28-2009 07:27 PM

Art help. Post your art
Hey everyone, I thought it would be cool to have a topic where we can all help each other on our art.
So the idea here is to post any artwork you have done, and we can critique them, do paintovers, give tips, etc...
or just admire them.
everyone is welcome!

guess i'll start off.

here is a quick and simple sketch that i did before posting this. (based on ととろ of course)

gonna use it for my avatar i think.

Ypsilanti 04-29-2009 08:42 AM

awww it looks so cute ^^

k here's mine:

i'm still an amateur so..be gentle :)

Troo 04-29-2009 09:05 AM


Originally Posted by RKitagawa (Post 706042)

Excellent technique, but the composition is lacklustre. The eye is drawn to two places: The expanse of blue top-left, and the critter, mid-right. The problem then is that the critter is also looking at the expanse top-left, where there is nothing. The composition forces your viewer to look right back out of the picture, rather than drawing them in.

A simple solution is to put some little flying beastie in that expanse - a butterfly, bee, or something similar (and small - you don't want it to dominate the picture). Ensure it is flying toward your critter, as that will bounce the viewer's eyes back to him again, creating a loop.


Originally Posted by Ypsilanti (Post 706650)

Focus is excellent. The image is slightly overexposed - presumably you've used spot metering, but even area metering can ignore distant background. This needed to be taken down by -1, but while learning I reccommend using exposure bracketing if your camera has it.

This particular shot would also work far better vertically. Rotate it right and see what I mean. It seems unnatural for things which should be looking up to actually be facing left.

Keep it up! You've mastered one of the harder things, which is getting your subject in focus :)

Ypsilanti 04-29-2009 08:07 PM

many many thx ^^
should i upload some more?

RKitagawa 04-29-2009 10:11 PM

Hey Ypsilanti
thanks for replying :)
i really like your picture, like Troo said, your focus is spot on.
the main problem I had with it is the actual flowers themselves.
all that white stuff on the leaves isnt very attractive in my opinion... if thats what you were trying to capture though i would suggest a different angle which really shows the dirt on the leaves.

I photoshopped your image a bit to show some things you could have done.

basic things like, color correction, playing with the curves etc... really help.
also i removed some of the dirt on the leaves. I might have pushed the color a little too far thoughh... oops.

anyways, good job, please post as many pictures as u'd like! :)

RKitagawa 04-29-2009 10:14 PM


Originally Posted by Troo (Post 706654)
Excellent technique, but the composition is lacklustre. The eye is drawn to two places: The expanse of blue top-left, and the critter, mid-right. The problem then is that the critter is also looking at the expanse top-left, where there is nothing. The composition forces your viewer to look right back out of the picture, rather than drawing them in.

A simple solution is to put some little flying beastie in that expanse - a butterfly, bee, or something similar (and small - you don't want it to dominate the picture). Ensure it is flying toward your critter, as that will bounce the viewer's eyes back to him again, creating a loop.

ahah composition isn't my strongest point. :)
so thanks a lot for the comments, I thought my picture seemed kinda... dead and empty, so your comments really help. THANKS, i will post an updated version as soon as its done!

you should post some stuff too! :)

InuAisu 04-29-2009 10:28 PM

all done on photoshop with a tablet... my poor tablet... (T-T) never let a chinchilla near tablet wires...
This one's a pretty random pic...

[img] http://c4.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/i...d2cf729683.jpg [/img]

This one was first drawn on paper, scanned, outlined, and then colored on photoshop.

This pic's one from a doujinshi I hope to make after I finish my current one :)

~(Both pics have been copyrighted)~

MMM 04-29-2009 10:29 PM


Originally Posted by RKitagawa (Post 707106)
ahah composition isn't my strongest point. :)
so thanks a lot for the comments, I thought my picture seemed kinda... dead and empty, so your comments really help. THANKS, i will post an updated version as soon as its done!

Actually I don't think there is anything wrong with the composition. You are drawn to the creature's eyes, then to what he is looking at. The fact that we can't see what he is looking at is what makes the composition unnerving, and that is a good thing. Put a butterfly in the space, and I see "creature looking at butterfly"....YAWN!

Leave it as is and the picture tells a story and the viewer can't help but wonder what will happen next.

It's perfect, don't change a thing.

InuAisu 04-29-2009 10:30 PM

Second pic didn't show in last post... 2nd try--->

alanX 04-29-2009 10:31 PM

Sweet! An art thread! Do photoshop creations count? I hope so.

I love the ととろ picture, my friend. The simplicity of it is what I like about this type of art.

(here's what I'm talking about when I say simplicity)http://c3.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/i...feead9ca92.png
more simplicity http://c2.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/i...fc273cfb49.png

And some quick sigs I've made...

All comments are greatly appreciated.

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