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(#3 (permalink))
VeritasKhan (Offline)
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Join Date: May 2017
Lightbulb 06-12-2017, 01:30 AM

With "YO" at the end, the sentence will have meaning of "I ask you"or "accept it". In a sense, it is like "please".
So adding "yo" doesn't make a request "stronger" (in a sense of making the command more powerful or more blunt/impolite or adding the threat of force).
For example: In English, we'd add a swear word to give a command this quality: "F***ing stop!"
So it sounds like "yo" is NOT the same as that at all. Thanks for clarifying that!

You mentioned "strong will" and "please."
In English I would say that adding "please" to a request:
1. Makes the request more polite
2. Gives the request additional emotional/earnest appeal. It shows your will (you really want the listener to do as you request even though you can't make them through the threat of force) You're "pleading" with someone. You're trying to trigger an emotion that will make them comply with your request.

It sounds like "yo" doesn't make make the request more polite, but it has the 2nd quality (emotional appeal).

So perhaps...

Matte kudasai - Makes request more polite
Matte yo - Gives request additional emotional/earnest appeal
Matte kudasai yo - More polite, more emotional appeal.

That's my thought process, but don't know how right it is. Thanks again!
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