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kainpendragon (Offline)
JF's Ero Sennin
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12-20-2006, 01:21 PM

I think this is just a sighn of people not wanting to have kids any more and a result of birth control and i don't think it a japanese thing i think it something all over the world. If you think about it people back in the day used to have 3 to 8 kids and then they would do the same now people are have 1 kid or no kids because they can now have sex with out having kids. Also accpected of homosexual couple are part of this also. two people that can never have kids will not increase the population

for a population to in crease to people have to have at least 3 kids if they all have 1 kid the population in 50 years could be cut in half.

It not such a bad thing i think the world is vastly over populated and it about time it starts to shrink down a little there will be another baby boom eventual.

There are 3 kinds of perverts in this world
1. Those that hid it.
2. Those that accpect.
3. Those that are Ero Sennin
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