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(#3 (permalink))
sindri59 (Offline)
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11-03-2007, 08:25 AM

Ah Thanks.

Well about the guy you know the Tokio(the johnny`s band) show where the start of with talking to a comedian in like a hallway on the floor and then move on to like a big studio and have an interview with a celebrity and then there is this food section where 国分太一 is like the host. Well this bartender guy came once in the beginning hallway section quite recently, in this month i believe.

I also saw him on the show where 福田沙紀 from ライフ drama went to china and found some beautilful girl and asked that girl to introduce another girl whom she knew whom she thought was more beautiful than her. It went like that step by step they`ve done that kind of thing a few times I thing it was the most recent one.

But yeah hes not very major so I wouldn`t be surprised if you do not know him, but thanks for your help.
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