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kithkanan (Offline)
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02-13-2008, 07:54 PM

Originally Posted by MexDude View Post
kithkanan, just wondering and this might not be the place to post it, but ima just do it. I was wondering what school you go to and what specific major are you studing or if you graduated where from and what u major in?

vi que vives en la ciudad de mexico y que tenias como interes computer science y me preguntaba como esta la situacion y las escuelas en Mexico para tal carrera.
Hello there. I'm supposedly studying mathematics in the UNAM. The level there is acceptable, but I'm taking it (my career) easy. I learned programming by myself when I was seventeen and since I entered the college (two years later) I got myself a job with C++ programming. And I've been working on it since then (now for five years).

At any rate, I never studied computer science at college, so I really couldn't give you an accurate recommendation. That said, I can tell you that the UNAM is just great, at least at science level. The Science Faculty has great activity and I'm pretty sure that it's the best in the country. There is this "Computer Science" career (BC if you prefer) and for what I could tell it seems to have an acceptable level.

However, in general, I'm kinda disappointed with this career in particular in all the Hispanic world (Latin America and Spain --specially Spain). Through all these years I've been an active member in several forums, trying to help other fellows (particularly at Most of the posts are from universities and I've got to say, the questions are most of the time stupid: considering that they SHOULD have already learned many concepts; sometimes I have to explain what their teachers should have.

So my feelings towards CS career in the Hispanic world are kinda mixed. IMHO you can get acceptable levels at UNAM, perhaps the IPN and (if you can afford it) a similar level in the ITESM or ITAM (I studied applied math in the latter and it really sucked, so I switched to the UNAM; but I've met some good programmers from there). But my experience as a professional is kinda disappointing (suffice to say that when I was 21, I was the main programmer in the enterprise where I was working at the time: just imagine that...).

My conclusion would be that yes, there are good places here to study, some very expensive and some free (I pay fifty cents a year in the UNAM :S). But if you study here, you'll have to complement it with self studies, if you want to succeed, because it seems that many topics are either not taught correctly or both the teacher and the student just don't care.

That's my two cents. As I said, I never studied CS in a college and I definitely cannot compare it to American or European colleges (except, perhaps, Spain). Anyway, hope this helps.


Everybody's trying to make us another century of fakers.

Last edited by kithkanan : 02-13-2008 at 08:01 PM. Reason: Typos and --OMG-- some grammar errors
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