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anrakushi (Offline)
Posts: 351
Join Date: Dec 2007
04-02-2008, 10:44 PM

What is there to be educated on? The historic symbol of the rising sun representing Japan? the song praising the emperor? We don't much of an education on our flag or national anthem in school. It includes the Union Jack, southern cross and a star representing the states/territories that formed Australia. education is over isn't it? and the national anthem explanation is much the same.

I'm curious, what problem could she have with the 日の丸 flag? Because it was used by Japan during their war days? It has got origins in japan, according to wiki, from well before the war days although it was not made the official flag of the country until the meiji restoration. Japan has long considered itself the land of the rising sun and this flag is a perfect symbol of that. To say this flag has military connotations is the same as saying the Union Jack does.

The british committed many terrible things under that flag. although this was some time ago now all those countries they colonised, killing and destroying the lives of many native peoples. they are all terrible things. it doesn't change the fact that those things were done under the Union Jack.

When the people from the UK learn about their flag and how it combines those of wales, england and scotland together do they also learn at that same moment all the terrible things done under that flag? Of course not, what has been done under the flag doesn't have relevance to the flag itself. that is for another history lesson altogether.

As for 君が代, the national anthem, what is wrong with this? because Japan during the time of war was 'imperial japan' and you can't have any national song recognising the emperor of Japan, that would be too military related. What i load of crap. Japan still has an emperor and they have had one for much of their history, why can't they have a song that says may the emperor rule for many years to come?

I bring my point back to England, they have God save the Queen (King is used when appropriate) which states may she/he be victorious, reign over us etc etc. This, to me, is a lovely song and a powerful one. But is it not guilty of the same things as the 君が代 has England not done terrible things under a King/Queen in its history? Should the people of the UK learn about the terrible things done in their empire when they learn God saves the Queen? NO that again is another unrelated history lesson, so why should the Japanese.

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for the Japanese learning about their war history and the terrible things that were done in Korea, China and much of south east asia but that is for a history lesson about the war, it is unrelated to the national flag and song of the country regardless of their use during the war times.

I don't have a problem with someone not wanting to sing the song or face the flag, that is their choice although it is not very patriotic or respectful. But don't make this some political protest etc, it is a load a crap.

Last edited by anrakushi : 04-02-2008 at 10:49 PM.
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