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(#126 (permalink))
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Hikikomori (Offline)
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Location: 千葉県、東金市
06-12-2008, 11:31 PM

Originally Posted by MissMisa View Post
I borrowed some books from the library and I'm trying to learn Hirigana on a good website called Hiragana and Katakana Practice - Real Kana . It's been very helpful! I only know very basic things. Introductions, saying what I like and dislike, talking about my hometown, complimenting someone and congratulating people on special occasions. That's about it!

There was a thread on learning Japanese through anime, and people said that it can help you out but you can't learn all your Japanese from there because a lot of it is slang.

Don't worry, I'm only 17!
Ah, I'm 17 too
I believe you can learn a lot from anime, they have slang in Japan too, and learning to understand their slang would maybe become helpful, at least if you are planning to stay there over a longer period. I just use anime so i can learn to pronounce the words and learning how i can use the words i have learned and make them into sentences. I'm not focusing all that much on their writing system yet, I'm focusing on learning how to speak japanese and write japanese with "normal letters". I only know some of the basics yet though, greetings and goodbyes and a lot of different foods and drinks a lot of random words.

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