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Koir (Offline)
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06-29-2008, 02:41 PM

Originally Posted by loveskyliemole View Post
Can anyone help me again?
*jumps through registration hoops* Whew...

I'll give it a try.

when I am late for something...

I would say

I am sorry for being late.
Very polite and to the point. Correct.

Is it Ok to say...

I am sorry being late.
Needs the word "for" in there to create the phrase or explanation for why you are sorry.

I am sorry I'm late.
In this case, you can do without beginning the sentence with "I am". "Sorry I'm late." gets the point across quicker while still being polite.

I am sorry to be late.
Extremely formal and somewhat awkward. Using infinitives ("to be") can cause some confusion in how quickly your message is heard and understood.

What is the difference between

Sorry for that.and

Sorry about that.

Hm. Comparing the sentence, it appears to me they can both work depending on how recently the action happened. The first sentence could be used to apologize for an action that was in the past for which you wish to express regret.

The second sentence could work as an apology for a more recent action (for example, accidentally bumping into someone in a supermarket) for which you wish to express regret.

Isn't it right to say

Thank you for that.
Yes, it is correct.

but can I say

Thank you about that too?
I would have to say that statement is incorrect. While there is an object for the word "about", it does not work in this situation.

Plase leave your question about Japanese
and let me help you guys too!
Otherwise I would feel bad!
Right now, I do not have any questions about expressing English words in Japanese. However, I will say that this thread of yours has moved me from the ranks of longtime "forum lurker" (that is, a person who reads posts but does not register or contribute). I am thankful for that.

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