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(#25 (permalink))
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YoruKage (Offline)
Cyber Cafe Employee
Posts: 62
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Location: In a box, under a bridge
10-22-2008, 03:38 AM

no worries, this is not an immature thread.

I've recently gone through a similar situation tho'! And, it's how I found out I am bi.

See, my best friend and I had been BEST friends for 11 years! Suddenly, one day, he says he loves me! At first, i was like, "ah, you're just teasing me the way you always do," but no. He was serious...

For a while I was skeptical. How can someone whom I've been friends with for so long suddenly be a love interest? Because I was beginning to feel an attraction as well. So, I tested it... and made a move.

Turns out, there was a spark and we both kinda liked it a little too much. >_0
But, we both had girlfriends, so it didn't make sense.
In the end, we decided it was better to remember this experience, but not let it stop us from living with our girls and still remaining friends. And as for our girlfriends... well, they're both Yaoi-fanatics, so he and I get together often due to our girls' Squeeful fangasms. XD

I'm saying, the line between friendship and relationship can become blurred sometimes. And, then you enter a new relationship with that person. I think it's something you have to experience in order to understand...
Well, that's what I've got for you. Dunno if it helps at all...

I'd rather be an idiot having fun than a genius bored out of his mind.
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