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(#46 (permalink))
Paul11 (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 546
Join Date: May 2008
10-25-2008, 03:36 AM

Originally Posted by theAlphaDuck View Post
but geisha is ULTIMATLY about ENTERTAINING MEN...

if you want to see a REALLY good singer....its not going to be a geisha

if you want to see a REALLY good muscian....its not going to be a geshia

if you want to see a REALLY good dancer.....its not going to be a geshia

BUT...if you want to experience a bit of culture...and want to drink with some pretty girls who are all dolled up and laugh at all your jokes....and you dont want to go to a hostess bar because that seems a little bit too common for you....

THEN your gonna see a geshia.

as for entertaining people is it an art....

NO...its called social skills
Have you really spent the $10,000 dollars it takes to throw a geisha party? If not, then you are talking nonsence or you didn't really experience a geisha. Those actresses in movies are not really geisha.
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