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Tenniskettle (Offline)
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Join Date: Feb 2009
off to japan alone for a bit in july-any advice - 02-12-2009, 06:57 PM

well im finally getting to do what ive always wanted to do, go on a solo trip to japan.

im going to tokyo on 1st july and will be staying for 12 days [wish i could stay longer but would need more money]

i plan on staying in a youth hostel in tokyo, explore tokyo for a bit, the culture, the nightlife etc. and plan on venturing out for a few days, climb mount fuji and visit okinawa.

anyone got advice for a first time solo traveller?

and another question, im 18 [legal drinking age here in ireland] and i know its 20 in japan, how are the japanese on underage drinking? dont misunderstand me im not going to get drunk everynight and pass out on the streets, i mean i would like to relax one night in a bar just having a couple of beers- is this doable for an underage traveller, or would the japanese be strict at letting me into a bar.

i plan to take some japanese lessons, but how easy or hard would it be for me to get to tokyo from narita airport and find my way to the hostel?

thanks in advance
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