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JF Ossan
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04-23-2009, 06:32 AM

Originally Posted by Nyororin View Post
Straight from the PTA mother gossip circle. He was apparently on a show that involved copious amounts of drinking prior to the incident. They`re tossing around the idea that someone is going to get in some serious trouble for not making sure that he was taken straight home after the show.

I am also not very inclined to believe that there is anything other than alcohol involved. Apparently they seriously scrutinize these guys - down to blood tests, etc on a regular basis... With the intent to cut them off before it ruins the studio image. I think it would be hard to pull off some other substances.

Still intoxicated 5 hours after that is NOT something odd at all. Unless you have an amazing metabolism, if you`re THAT drunk it`s not going to be gone in a few hours. My husband takes 4 hours to completely metabolize a single cup of sake. I can`t even imagine how long it would take to sober up from the level where you get naked and throw a one person party in the park.
Well, I certainly hope it was just alcohol. He is known to like his just sounds like he had a MASSIVE amount to drink. If this was part of some TV show, heads are going to roll.
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