Thread: E3 2009
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06-02-2009, 01:35 PM

Originally Posted by MissMisa View Post
I think if it's a trilogy, it's a triology, TRI, 3 GAMES, anything more than it and it's NOT a trilogy, IMO.
There are many games who had 2nd trilogies. Ultima had a 2nd trilogy... consisting of Ultima IV, V and VI. Halo 1st trilogy ended. The expansion is not a sequel so it is still part of the trilogy.

In the conference they say, 'this isnt the kind of game where you sit on the sofa using preset waggle commands' -dig at Nintedo wii, insinuating that they have taken that concept and expanded on it. Eye Toy requires no controller, has a camera, and you can do things on screen. Nintendo DS has voice recognition. The only thing that is different is 3D space and face recognition, and face recognition isn't new technology. If I remember correctly Eye Toy had an inferior version which recognised your face so you could put it on a character.

Just because it's not exactly the same doesn't mean it's not cashing in on Nintendo's idea of virtual reality and movement. If you look at the demo can't you see how strikingly similar it is to a Nintendo Wii advert? When the family are driving a car, it's the same as the Nintendo Wii advert without the Wii wheel.
According to your logic PlayStation and XBox are ripoffs of early Nintendo consoles because they play games.

When they mention Nintendo, it doesn't mean they based on it... these kind of gaming wasn't an idea of Nintendo nor Sony. Controller free gaming has been an idea years before they did something but we lacked technology. Just because Nintendo or sony started it first, it means nothing. The only idea of Nintendo is that they used a controller. Microsoft is not using it at all. Does not seem as a ripoff to me at all. It's like saying Blu-Ray is a ripoff of DVD o.O

And about EyeToy, it wasn't a new technology either, they just started using movement sensing for gaming too. So you can't say 'face recognition isn't a new technology and call MS's idea as a ripoff'. Project Nolan uses many cameras. Yes EyeToy had face recognition, which wasn't a new technology either, but it didn't use it like Project Nolan's innovative way.

It is quite original. Seems people these days call a ripoff of something anything that comes before a previous product which had little similarities but was an inferior product. A ripoff is supposed to be inferior, not better.

Since when is it immature to talk about pudding? Seriously, do you know the meaning of mature?
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