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mercedesjin (Offline)
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06-15-2009, 03:36 AM

Originally Posted by JBaymore View Post
If you are going as a tourist, a Japanese law that went into effect in late 2006 (I think) made it illegal for gaijin to actually own their cell phones. Some sort of anti-terrorism thing. I used to have a Dokomo account but was not able to re-activate the phone after that law was passed.

If you want to buy a Japanese capable cell phone.... let me know. I still have it <g>. You'd need to re-activate it.

In order to actually own a phone now, you need to have a resident alien card. Which means that you have to be living in Japan "long term".

Now I rent them when I am there since I am only there about 2 months at a time. The best deal that I have found is RentafoneJapaan. They are very easy to deal with and the price is right.

Rentafone Japan - Cell phone rental in Japan


Oh. I knew there was a form that needed to be signed out, but I didn't know why or what it was for. If I can't find an American phone with an international plan I'll look into this, thanks.

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