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mercedesjin (Offline)
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07-07-2009, 07:23 PM

Originally Posted by Th4RLdeal View Post
I did not Find any threads specifically about this film when I searched, so I'm starting this one. That said, if there IS a thread and I overlooked it, please re-direct me there so that I can join the discussion.

Okay, I am very curious to find out what other people are thinking of this movie. I have a very very strong opinion about it myself, but I don't want to "color" the tone of this thread at the outset by stating that opinion. Now let's begin!

Who wants to go first? The topic is: "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen" and things directly related to it.
Haven't seen it... but I've heard some pretty interesting things about it. Um. I noticed that you put "color" in quotation marks. I don't know if you did that on purpose to kind of hint at an issue of the movie... but either way, I've read some pretty interesting articles describing a couple characters in the movie that are racist stereotypes. Also, there are just some movies that don't need a sequel (i.e.: Pirates of the Caribbean... AND they're coming out with a fourth one soon!) Transformers was one of them. So, I never went and saw it.

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