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vegna (Offline)
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07-19-2009, 08:32 PM

Judo and Aikido are based of jujutsu. Aikido was originially called daito-ryu jujutsu. So all of them share lots of the same techniques. I am a japanese jujutsu practitioner and when i see a few aikido techniques they seems similar.

Judo is a branch off jujutsu but karate is mainly based of kung fu with a few jujutsu techniques in it, my dojo teaches karate. All branches of jujutsu have almost the same objective, to use leverage as your weapon. You will hear this a lot from Brazilian jujitsu guys, since it was specially made for that, but all of them are almost the same.

I would recommend a place that have daito-ryu jujutsu in their title instead of aikido. I never had taken aikido but it never feel natural watching aikido practitioner using their techniques, as for daito-ryu feels more real.
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