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bELyVIS (Offline)
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08-04-2009, 12:59 PM

Originally Posted by YukisUke View Post
Sorry. I tend to get angry when people criticize me for my opinions. I'm female btw. And for the white people thing I thought you would know. I'm not saying that all white people are racist, just a number of them. A big number. They treat us like we're not people, they are unfair to us in the justice system, educational system and in society itself. I'll give you an example. Two people, a white person and a black person, do the same crimes like robbing a store with a gun. They both get caught. The white guy gets maybe 5 years and is on probation after being released while the black guy gets twice that amount without parole. You're telling me you never noticed it before?
Do you have a sister on this forum?
As far as Japan, I have never been as discriminated against as much before as when I was living there (I'm white). Not all are that way, especially younger Japanese, but it is just their culture so I didn't take it personal. The nice thing is most of the discrimination is just because you are a foreigner and not skin color. Although a lot of blacks lately, mostly from Africa, have been involved in crimes and they also believe TV shows from America that show them as gang members so I think this is having more negative views of blacks in Japan. When my mother in law came to America to visit, she was afraid of them because she had seen a show about black people as gangsters on TV and she though all of them acted this way.

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