Thread: Evil or Hero
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Naruto911 (Offline)
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08-09-2009, 02:04 AM

Originally Posted by Corrugo View Post
First off HOW is L from Deathnote seen as an 'evil' type? Secondly.. I think your 'type' might be like mine I can't speak for all but in the evil category you have..

Byakuya, Kenpachi, Gaara, Temari, Renji, L (WTF xD), Ulquiorra, Grimmjow, Near, Mellow and Ryuk.

I can't consider any of them truly 'evil' characters. I feel like ranting so I'll explain.

Byuakuya evil did is well he feels that the law should be upholded so he allows his 'own' sister to be executed. After seeing a flashback, it's understood WHY he chose this and turns out he's not so bad. Kenpachi is just freakin' nuts and wants a good fight. Evil? Not really.. selfish? Yeah. Renji? Seriousily? First scene you see him in.. yeah he seems like a jerk but everytime after that he's clearly a good guy. Grimmjow (to me) seems like the Espada version of Kenpachi and Ulquiorra just seems to follow orders and has a score to settle with Ichigo, hardly evil.

L being evil just HAS to be a typo, think you switched Light and L together and if that's the case.. Light isn't that evil since.. he's actually trying to make the world a better place. Ryuk? He's just bored and that's hardly a sin xD Near is a totally good guy so.. dunno why you put him there and Mellow? Well he's a good.. just has a more dishonest way of doing good. Almost like a less demented Light xD

I can see why Temari would seem evil at first and ecspecially Gaara but again, after understanding their reasons for their acts - well Gaara atleast it's easy to why they chose to act like that. Temari did it for her country (if memory serves) and Gaara.. well he's just a bit of a loony at that point xD But afterwards he's just awesome.

Your good guys are just all likable, I'm a bit surprised Vash isn't there he'd fit that pretty well, heh.

I don't really have a type either, but I do have a thing for liking bad guys who turn good or just really noble characters. Examples include..

Rock lee (Naruto) Noble
Sasuke (Naruto) Just badass
Itachi (Naruto) Noble (If your caught up in the series enough)

Kurama (Yu Yu Hakusho) Noble
Hiei (Yu Yu Hakusho) Bad guy turned good (later anyway)
Yomi (Yu Yu Hakusho) Bad guy (?) turned good (?)
Chu/Jin (Yu Yu Hakusho) Just awesome xD
(Touya) (Yu Yu Hakusho) Noble

Grimmer (Monster) Just awesome

Ishida (Bleach) Bad guy (?) turns good (?) and badass
Kenpachi (Bleach) Badass xD

Ruby (Pokemon Special Manga) Just awesome in everyway

So my type is.. Noble/Bad turned good/ or just awesome characters.

Sorry! This post got out of control xD Especially for my first!
Ok now I get where your comming from but when I put some of the guys in the evil category, It didn't mean that they were evil and will be evil forever, its just my opinion.
Alright with Bleach all of the soul reapers and arrancars I put in the evil category, I was basing that on the beginning of the story from when Ichigo and the guys first went to the Soul Society. Ichigo, Orihime, Chad, and Uryu were considered the good guys. Well to them none of the soul reapers were on their side, all of them were considered the enemy(besides Rukia of course). Grimmjow and Ulquirorra not really on their team either, so I consider them evil cause their not really good.
Ok now with the Death Note thing putting L on the evil list wasn't a typo, I mean't it. I really like Light and I think his plan and motives are absolutely awesome. See L was atempting to put a stop to Kira, so at this point I see Light as more of the good type and L as the bad type. I'm not saying that he's as evil as evil can possibly get, I really like L a lot, I mean he's awesome, but I'm just giving my opinion. The Ryuk thing, I know he's not evil but he's a shinigami, in my book shinigamis are considered evil. Near and Mello are also trying to stop Kira and I already talked about that.
Now for Naruto, I never thought Temari and Gaara were evil. Yeah Temari was a little mean to people and I know she was doing all that for her village and stuff, but she was on a mission to destroy Konoha with Kankuro, Baki, and Gaara. I know shes not evil anymore but she was considered evil from the beginning. Usually I base everything on first impressions. Gaara, I know most people probably think that he's crazy and a little twisted, but from the beginning his blood lust made him even more awesome to me. It made me love him more.
Thats pretty much all I have to say about that. These are just my opinions.

Last edited by Naruto911 : 08-09-2009 at 06:45 PM.
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