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JF Ossan
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08-11-2009, 08:43 PM

Originally Posted by xneehux View Post
There is a very sentimental reason to why im getting "strength" and if iwasnt to get it in japanese , i would get it in a different language. The reason why i chose japanese is because it basically put a sentence some one said to me as their last words into one symbol. So that is why i'm going for strength , not because its popular thank you.
Everyone, it seems, has a very personal reason for getting the kanji for "love" and "strength" tattoos.

I didn't say you were doing it because it was popular, but when I was at the pool last week I would have needed more hands to count all the 力 and 愛 tattoos I saw. (And for some reason two people had 好水 meaning "like water" but they were at the pool, so I guess they like water).

Just keep in mind that 力 is not the only way to write strength, and that it doesn't simply mean "strength" as Western concepts and Eastern concepts are not parallel.
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