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(#93 (permalink))
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Salvanas (Offline)
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12-12-2009, 05:43 PM

Originally Posted by ozkai View Post
Please show some common respect and consistancy...

You are telling NanteNa not to be daft, and you are calling me creepy, and then you are sating a good job is done..

Who's next?

You posted the thread lol..

Stop trying to moderate it
I've known Nan for longer than you. She understands, and I'm sure she knows I meant it in an off hand way, ad not personally. Stop trying to defend the ladies, Ozkai. They don't need your protection, they can speak up for themselves.

Like I said, what you are, is not a discussion for this thread.

Yeh, I did post the thread. What's your point? I also stated on the first page that I thought the mods were doing a good job. I can criticise them though. They're human, in the end, not gods. We can all be criticised. And I'm sure the mods don't mind.

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