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Tsuruneru (Offline)
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2010 Of to a bad start (For me) - 01-25-2010, 06:08 AM

I'm the type of person who has to do something other than just sit in my room doing random things all over boredom. College was the best thing I've ever done and now i can't go, supposedly I'm going to San Jose for some job training thing but i was suppose to be there like weeks ago. There was one spot left in December last year and i needed to take my college finals so i gave that spot to my friend. I was told i was going to be there a month after he went (In January) but i got an email telling me i may not go till February or worse months fare after January. After i received the news i quickly tried to register for college classes i would enjoy. Japanese, Tennis, Guitar, Music production and so on. They were all full and with no chance of me getting in, i can't get a job knowing that i may have to quit a month later and that won't be good in a resume anyway. Teaching myself Japanese may be harder now then the last time i did it. If i don't go to San Jose within the next few months i wont go at all and ill take summer college courses. So now I'm stuck home with barley anything to do for who knows how long. I feel worse knowing while I'm not doing anything two of my best friends who's foot steps i would like to follow in are doing something that i can't do at this time.

I don't care what people say anymore. Your opinions no longer matter to me. No matter what i say no one cares they just keep going.
I have no enemies my opponent is my teacher.
(けとだ!) (こい) (とどめだ!) I Am Shadow The Hedgehog
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