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(#27 (permalink))
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noodle (Offline)
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02-04-2010, 11:25 AM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
Actually in moderation certain alcoholic drinks have been researched to have health benefits. I am sure you heard them, so I won't waste anyone's time list them here.

There is a "safe level" of drinking that doctors generally agree to for most people. There is no "safe level" of cigarette use.
As far as I know, it's actually been proven that the negatives out-way the positives of Alcohol, even in moderation (even with wine! The typical example is the Mediterranean and their diet including a glass or two of wine having a positive effect).

With cigarettes, there are SOME short term benefits, but again, the negatives greatly out-way the positives.

So actually, both cigarettes and alcohol are equally bad for you as both of far more negatives than positives, but the problem is, with Cigarettes (tobacco), everything is exaggerated, and alcohol, things are underplayed. Most people don't know that as long as you don't actually get cancerous cells, all the harm tobacco does can be reversed in time, and sometimes, this reversal actually makes your lungs better than before.
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