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(#17 (permalink))
RickOShay (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 604
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: USA, formerly Shizuoka for 7 years.
07-12-2010, 06:21 AM

Originally Posted by Jordanfuller View Post
Hello I am 17 going to be finished with high school in the next few months, my ultimate goal is to become a citizen in japan and I know thats going to take a long time but I am determined. I know I need 5 years of continous residency but Im not sure where to start , obviously I need to learn japanese and I am enrolling in classes for that really soon but then what? I understand teaching might be a good idea but where would I start would I need to go to college in Japan or here? what degree would I need ? thanks in advance for any advice.
To get a work visa you need a 4 year degree in anything from an accredited university.

My advice. Get your degree, come here through JET or an Eikaiwa company, live the life, then decide if that is what you really want.

But why, oh why would you want to forfeit your citizenship in the US to become Japanese? Working in Japan you will not pay US taxes on any of your Japanese income up to something like 85,000 dollars a year (it increases a little bit every year). The most I would recommend you going for is "permanent resident status", that in and of itself will take you a very long time to achieve.

There is no need to throw away your US citizenship. You do not even know right now if Japan is the place for you. And please remember that unless you are ethnically Japanese, despite getting your citizenship, most of Japanese society will never see you as Japanese. Is that really something that you want for yourself?
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