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BakaTensei (Offline)
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Location: Northern Ireland, United Kingdom
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10-18-2010, 03:22 AM

Originally Posted by RickOShay View Post
Yes, but would it be safe to assume Ireland does not have the population/space issues that Japan has?

Also is there a particular reason houses in Ireland are not built with basements? Or is it just seen as unnecessary?
You'd be right in assuming haha =p I've never asked or been told why there are no basements (not saying there isnt any btw just saying i havnt come across any in regards to friends houses, relatives houses etc) when it comes to storage most houses use their attics or their garages. Northern Ireland has also had quite a bit of trouble with sectarianism such as the IRA and UVF so I doubt the goverment wanted people to have somewhere to stash all the guns and ammo, maybe thats a reason? I cant really say truthfully but im just offering suggestions to why it might be unseen in my area/culture =p
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