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(#6 (permalink))
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Sangetsu (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
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10-19-2010, 06:27 AM

Half the swastika-wearing nationalist nuts driving the black speaker trucks around Japan are Yakuza. The only foreigners who work for the yaks are the occasional Nigerian hustlers, and prostitutes. You aren't very bright if you want to associate yourself with these animals.

Most people who are gangsters because they were too stupid to pass the junior high school entrance exams, or they committed enough crimes in their youth that their records are too bad to get a regular job.

Wanting to be in the Yakuza is worse than wanting to be a garbage collector or a slaughter house worker, why are you aiming so low? Yaks are simply people who, through stupidity or irresponsibility, can't do anything better. It's not cool to be a gangster, and these tattooed losers are held in contempt by Japanese society.
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