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yuujirou (Offline)
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10-19-2010, 07:34 AM

Originally Posted by JasonTakeshi View Post
What do you mean by that? Since when wanting to be a garbage collector or a slaughter house worker is a bad thing?

I wonder what would happen if every garbage collector stop doing their work. I can already sense the freshy smell in the morning.

Oh! And by the way, I don't know how's in the States or in Japan, but here in Europe (mostly) "garbage collector" (night shift) is actually a relatively well payed job.


On Topic: Yes, there are alot of people. Just google it.
Just to address the respect of a job~
A job is not respectable based on it's pay but the idea that society has of it.

In a kitchen, the dish washer is the least favoured job, yet the absolute most important in the entire kitchen.
Most people, when they hear "dish washer", they think of a low income, low class person working the position, while the chef is held in higher regard.

In the shadows beneath the trees he waits.
In the darkness under the moon he plots
In the silence of the night he kills.
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