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(#14 (permalink))
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missprincess (Offline)
Bonnie lass from England
Posts: 122
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Location: England
12-04-2010, 02:29 PM

last time i checked a nuclear bomb over a whole city killing innocent civilians and destroying future generations that are born there - compared to japanese air force personnel attacking us army personnel (not millions of innocent civilians) theres just no comparison, kinda reflects the whole american philosophy on war, kill everything that moves - whether its a women or a child or a combatant it doesnt matter - theyve got the weapons and they arent afraid to use them - even though they claimed iraq was a threat to the world due to weapons of mass destruction (that were never found) americas kinda been the only country to ever use them on innocent civilians (nuclear bombs I mean) ā€“ and lets not forget the phosphorus bombs dropped on Vietnam by the americans and that ever haunting image of that small girl running through the streets skin completely burnt ā€“ Iā€™m not blaming the american citizens here just the people who sit in the nice air conditioned offices that make these decisions

BTW i cant believe some ppl are justifying using nuclear bombs on innocent people so it saved alot of american lives!! are u kidding me! an american life is NOT worth more then a japanese one or an afghani one or an iraqi one - and a few thousand people dying doesnt justify the occupation of 2 whole countries and millions of deaths of innocent people

i remember watching a documentary movie called 'the ground truth' about american soilders coming back from iraq who admit to killing anyone and everyone just because they were told to even when they knew those people werent combatants!! i suggest everyone give it a look in!

Don't make someone a priority....... if your nothing more than an option to them

How can the world end at 2012 when my yogurt expires in 2013?

Last edited by missprincess : 12-04-2010 at 02:37 PM.
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