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12-12-2010, 05:19 AM

Originally Posted by RealJames View Post
I'll add that I'm speaking from observation on this. Men or women with a foreign spouse feel, act and are treated differently, in a special way.
Unless they don`t - in which case you wouldn`t know about it.

In my experience, the behavior / feelings of the actual individual with the foreign spouse is sort of split. But the ones who do feel special tend to be a lot more visible and vocal than those who don`t - as they think it is a big deal and behave in such a way. Those who don`t tend to be invisible unless there is a good reason for this information to be out there.

You`re seeing the ones who "feel and act" differently. The ones who don`t have no reason to advertise the fact that their spouse is foreign, so you don`t see them. In fact, they often have reason to downplay or specifically avoid divulging that information because of the treatment given to them by peers.

The peer reaction doesn`t tend to change at all no matter what the individual thinks, as it is the "normal" peer reaction.

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