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JF Ossan
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12-13-2010, 04:49 AM

Originally Posted by RealJames View Post
Yeah her grandparents are incredibly racist, it's a twisted way to approve of me, but it does show the changing times, that her grandparents friends would think highly of her family for having an international relationship in it.

I have also heard of foreigners being invited to weddings where they were so out of place just so there was an international presence there, to glorify the ordeal.

And yes I have met loads of people that have wanted to be friends simple because I'm white, to be seen in public with me, because I can speak English, because I have blue eyes, because I can get them girls, etc etc, it sucks finding out who your true friends are when it comes down to it. But, I do think this is a representation of how Japan is embracing internationalism, wanting to have a friend because he's a foreigner, as opposed to shunning him, that's a symbol in itself, isn't it?
YIKES! I am glad I dug deeper. Does her grandparents racism sound like progress to you?

You have met loads of people who are interested in you because of your race and the color of your eyes. Tell me, when were white people shunned in Japan after the Meiji Restoration? Again, does this sound like progress to you?
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