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12-28-2010, 12:48 AM

Originally Posted by Columbine View Post
The people who care very very deeply or who have personal experience of it might not be able to forgive things Hiroshima, but for most people, it's hardly a massive issue in their lives. Sure, the average person might say this or that country has done this or that bad thing and I don't agree with it, but the idea of going as far as 'forgiving' or 'not forgiving' probably doesn't even occur to them. They just don't feel that strongly either way about it.

Iraq, Vietnam etc aren't really the topic in hand here either, so I don't see the point in mentioning them.
I was just pointing out how the US always seems to be in the middle of all major human catastrophes. It's not only an opinion but a proven fact. Every country that has a war going on, the US's in it somehow. And strangely enough, American citizens seem to back up every move made by their army, like they truly believe they're doing a great job by being sent away from their homes to propagate peace and democracy. Like taking part in a war they have no business being in is the best way to make their ideals prevail.

The thing is, a lot has happened since Hiroshima and Nagasaki. A lot of wrong decisition were made back then by people from both sides. And they're all dead or soon to be, so in a way they've all paid for what they did. However, as of today, history is repeating itself. And ok, World War II was horrible and it should have never happened, but why are we not trying to change what's taking place now? Cause it's just as bad. If not worse.

So, has the world forgiven the United States for dropping an atomic bomb on civilians? Well, that was more than 60 years ago and nothing can be done about it. And the world was a crazy place at that time, I can understand crazy decisions being made under desperate situations. I'm not saying they should go unpunished because there was a reason behind their action, I am saying I can understand why it happened. The question isn't if the population of today (who can't even come close to imagine what it must've been like to live back then) has been able to forgive the US for the massacre in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the question is, why are they still sending people out to kill? Really. Over one million people have died in Iraq. Why is it any different from the Nazis killing the Jews? Everyone agrees that what the Nazis did was wrong, then why are we not stopping the killing in Iraq? I fail to see how it's any different. I can forgive the US for what they did in WWII cause it made sense at that time, but I cannot begin to understand why the fuck they're still fucking things up in Iraq. Leave them alone. Get back to your country. Let them have a civil war and have it their way. Mind your own business. Don't start a war that has no possible justification.

So what I'm saying is, let's worry about Uganda and Somalia and Pakistan and Colombia and Ethiopia and Nigeria and Algeria and Iran and Thailand and Yemen and Iraq. Let's try to do something about ongoing wars, because whatever happened happened, we can't change that, but there is something we can do about what's taking place now. So let's not blame the US for dropping a bomb half a century ago, instead let's make sure they never do that again. And that starts by putting an end to Iraq war. Hope this answers your question as to why I mentioned Vietnam, Korea and Iraq. It's not out of context, it has everything to do with this topic.

EDIT: And before someone mentions it, I know the Iraq war was supposed to end in August this year. Well, I'd like to see about that. It is still an ongoing conflict, so it applies.

everything is relative and contradictory ~

Last edited by Suki : 12-28-2010 at 12:53 AM.
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