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(#35 (permalink))
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Ronin4hire (Offline)
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03-15-2011, 05:04 AM

Originally Posted by kouichisan View Post
Ronin4Hire I can see why you suggest that, but what's wrong with donating to both? LOL

What are you trying to achieve here exactly?.

Why not say to people, 'if you are going to donate to Japan, don't forget to also donate to Haiti, Libya, Bangladesh, Africa etc?' that would be better than saying 'don't donate to Japan'. At first I thought you had a good argument, but you know, this agenda of yours, it's getting a little silly now.
Japan doesn't need money. It's the 3rd richest country in the world and in a world with so many issues, people and places are almost competing for our attention. I mean you can't donate to everything. So why not prioritise?

I'm not giving them a cent.

I've already made it clear that if we can offer our help in another way then fine. But not my money.

As for macro economics. I know what it is morons. I just fail to see how it's a justification for recieving charity.

I mean how does that work? Give charity to those that have the most?
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