Thread: English is Easy
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(#23 (permalink))
dogsbody70 (Offline)
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04-13-2011, 08:01 AM

Originally Posted by tokioprincess1 View Post
i don't really think english is that easy...personally i think it's the basic grammar that makes english first language worldwide...i musn't be right at 100%, but most people will understand it...for example...when you are about to go for a vacation in another country using another language, it's easier for you to learn some basic english than for example, french...

but i really don't think that advanced english is, the big role in this is the pronunciation...for example me...i was watching a lot of american movies in which, suprisingly, ameircan english was used. I learned a few phrases and mainly catch up the sound of speech...but then i went to Britain. It was really hard for me to understnand the British because of the accent. I really like it, but honestly i didn't get much from a conversation of native english speakers. When they were talking to me, They tried speaking slowly and clearly so i could understand.

due to this experience...i think i can responsibly say that for me english isn't easy...i've no doubt that I have made a lot of mistakes even in a simple text like this...sorry for that

I have just changed certain words on here, but your message was easy to understand.
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