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JF Ossan
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06-18-2011, 04:54 PM

Originally Posted by Caspar View Post
I'm choosing Kagawa U. to study in Japanese.

i contacted with nihongo-centre few months ago and i asked them how many years does it take for students to be able to pass the university exams and they said 1.5-2 years.
If i really will need 4+ years to be able to pass the exams, than i will take extra classes, and will try my best to pass the exams if not in 2 years than in 3.

and finding "cheap" place where i can sport is an important than other things i want to accomplish in Japan including university

Thank you
I have been a student of Japanese for over 20 years, and I doubt I could pass any university exam worth its beans.

It takes approximately three times as long for an English speaker to learn Japanese as it does another romance language. Could you realistically learn enough French in 6 months, starting from scratch, to enter a university?

If someone told me they could teach me enough Japanese in 1.5 years to be not only fluent, but intelligent enough to pass a university exam, I would be very suspicious. Why does it take Japanese natives 12 years of education to get to that level, if Nippon Center can do it in 18 months?
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