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termogard (Offline)
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Post The revival of Cold War - 11-25-2011, 01:59 AM

Russia in Europe missile threat

23 November 2011 last updated at 19:09 GMT

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has warned that missiles could be deployed on the EU's borders if the US pursues its missile defence plans.

In a televised statement, he said "modern weapons systems" could be deployed in Kaliningrad if Russia, the US and Nato failed to come to a deal.

He added that Moscow may opt out of the New Start arms deal agreed with the US.

Nato chief Anders Fogh Rasmussen said he was "very disappointed" by Mr Medvedev's response.

Washington wants an anti-missile shield ready by 2020 but Moscow considers the idea a threat to its nuclear forces.

The US says the shield is intended to provide protection from the potential missile threat posed by countries like Iran.

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In respond to building of US anti-ballistic missile facilities in Poland, Romania, Turkey, Russia will deploy tactical intermediate-range missiles and target those ABM launch pads.
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