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(#3 (permalink))
Kasper (Offline)
New to JF
Posts: 9
Join Date: May 2011
01-04-2012, 01:13 PM

お八つ Why use that kanji?
- I used it because that's the one that came up when I typed おやつ and because the definition was the one I was after when I hovered over it with rikaichan. I simply trusted what these tools told me as I had nothing else to go on.

I suppose then that the honorific/humble/polite for these would be:
くれる - くださる
もらう - いただう

Make 会えたら polite. Cannot say 会ったら there. 
- I don't know how to make this polite, nor what to put in it's place. I'm sorry.

浅野先生も奥さんもの sounds very awkward besides being incorrect. Do something. Where did you learn も + の?
- I posted on this forum because I didn't know how to phrase this. 'Do something'.... I'm at a loss. I guess maybe would 浅野先生と奥様の be better? I guess I didn't learn も + の; I was simply putting particles together because I thought I arrived at an approximation of what I wanted to say.
Thank you for responding and I'm sorry that your abrasive writing style detracts from your good advice. It's not like I set out to get things wrong, I just don't know how to speak well yet in Japanese. It's hard to explain why I chose to say things in a certain way, except that it seemed the best way to me with the knowledge I have at the moment.
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