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JikuAraiguma (Offline)
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My Zanpakutou - 01-20-2012, 08:39 PM

Name: Soratamashi "Empty Soul"

Type: Illusion

Sealed form: Nodachi

Handle: Dark blue cloth over black handle. The base is silver.

Tsuba: (Hand Gaurd) Design: Silver and circular ring. Seven flame-like spiral carvings inlayed in perfect circle. Each flame has a hole in each spiral's center.

Release Encantation: Fade to Nothingness

Shikai Release Design: Seven will-o-wisps appear around the tsuba one after the other. The blade becomes black. Seven holes appear along the blade. Spikes run along the blunt of the blade behind each hole as they appear. Will-o-wisps ignite in the holes one after the other from base to tip. Black smoke flows down from the blade.

Ability: Light refraction and smoke allows the user (me) to “disappear,” or to appear to be where I am not. It can also launch the will-o-wisps in the blade when it is swung.

Bankai: Daijingami no Soratamashi "Grand Benevolent God of Empty Soul"

Bankai Release: Blade dissappears. Hilt and tsuba remains. 10,000 Will-o-wisps appear. The ground becomes a mirror-like surface. Smoke covers the ground. The sky goes black.

Bankai Ability: Same concept as Shikai, but applied to a larger area allowing more “movement.” And more “fire-power.” (X3)

Last edited by JikuAraiguma : 01-30-2012 at 08:06 PM.
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