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lucagalbu (Offline)
JF Old Timer
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Location: Lecco, north Italy
12-19-2010, 11:17 AM

So, I can say
これは、貴方のですか。いいえ、これは私のではありま せん。
but I cannot say
これは、貴方のですか。いいえ、これはではありません 。
Is it right?

Originally Posted by KyleGoetz
don't say じゃ with ます form despite what teachers tell you)
Why do you say that? My teacher is a native Japanese speaker and also the textbook uses じゃありません。 Both the teacher and the textbook say that in spoken language じゃありません。is more common than ではありません。

E'l naufragar m'è dolce in questo mare di Dirac.
(And to flounder in this Dirac sea is sweet to me.)
Leopardi feat Paul Dirac
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