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(#31 (permalink))
dogsbody70 (Offline)
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12-15-2010, 06:08 PM

real james wrote:

(Her mother said "if my husband tried to leave me for another girl I'd kill myself in front of him (as a punishment)".)

do you really believe that? Surely that is rather extreme. easy to say-- but in reality?
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(#32 (permalink))
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12-15-2010, 06:19 PM

Originally Posted by Kelvindegrez View Post
1. It's the only part of my argument you addressed properly, but you answered with a "not true" A crash course in "worldviews" and how they are constructed, would show the simple validity of that statement. Your implying that it never shaped their culture. Obviously you read my argument but you didn't understand it. Oh well

The other responses where just flat out fallacious.
2. Appeal to Ignorance
3. Appeal to Belief
4. Ignoring a Common Cause
5. Appeal to Ridicule
6. Ad Hominem

Actually I asked a simple request at the end that you've seemed to ignore. But I guess you ignoring it is the answer to that question. Oh well
It seems your not really interested in helping seeing that all your responses have been just negative criticism, and no constructive criticism.
I am sorry I failed your course and didn't find any value in my criticism of your assumptions.

I wish you the best on your campaign to fight Buddhism and Shinto in order to reduce suicides in Japan.
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(#33 (permalink))
Kelvindegrez (Offline)
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12-15-2010, 06:34 PM

Originally Posted by RealJames View Post
Shintoism and Buddhism, either directly or indirectly by some odd way of shaping a minor part of modern Japanese culture, have no relation to suicide.

The closest you'll get to having a point in that argument is to say that those religions didn't have enough of an impact to decrease the number of suicides...
Thanks for you constructive criticism RealJames

That's a good alternative way of looking at it. Its like for example:
A culture that refuses to fight wars, will be destroyed when war comes.
Their view of war ultimately left them unprepared for when war finally came.

I gave an example of "satisfying preconditions" earlier.
A person's view on life and death are "preconditions" before suicide
(Before the Holocaust there was a "necessary precondition" of certain lives not being valuable, for example)

So what i was saying is not just focusing on just Buddhism and Shintoism, alone, but on everything that necessitates the environment of a high suicide rate, and how it got that way.

Regardless no one can say that Buddhism and Shintoism, had no effect on whatsoever on their view of life and death throughout all of their entire history.

I admit i'm at fault in my presentation of my thoughts. I shouldn't have just posited a conclusion, that entails a lengthy explanation, so simplistically.
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(#34 (permalink))
Kelvindegrez (Offline)
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12-15-2010, 06:44 PM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
I am sorry I failed your course and didn't find any value in my criticism of your assumptions.

I wish you the best on your campaign to fight Buddhism and Shinto in order to reduce suicides in Japan.

While that is not my campaign, I did find value in your criticism, because their is always some value regardless.

Thanks for responding, it the very least it shows you care enough for a person to address issues you think they are wrong in, which I respect and appreciate.
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(#35 (permalink))
Kelvindegrez (Offline)
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12-15-2010, 06:55 PM

Originally Posted by dogsbody70 View Post
isn't it unhappiness and being desperate that can cause a person to take their own life.

we all are capable of it, aren't we?

Perhaps if these people had somebody to turn to in their distress-- their lives could be saved.

It is awful for a family if one of theirs does take their own life-- all the guilt and blame they may put on themselves.

There were a spate of suicides of young people in a part of WALES last year.

I have no idea why? but its awful when someone is so desperate that they do kill themselves/

Was there any help when they really needed it I wonder.

The husband of a friend of my daughter's was found hanged by a Hoover cable. He had had a love affair and when it was called off-- He topped himself leaving his wife and family in terrible distress.
That's so awful and sad to hear .

I believe there is somebody they could turn to in distress and be saved.
The issue is something that i'm not just viewing from the outside but experienced it on the inside.

Thats why my it breaks my heart so much. A building built on sand won't stand long, but a building built on a solid foundation can stand the strongest of storms.

My values of life were shallow at best before, and hence built on sand. So all it took was a little wind to knock me down.
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(#36 (permalink))
dogsbody70 (Offline)
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12-15-2010, 10:57 PM

Here in the UK we have the samaritans-- an organisation that desperate people can contact and talk about their distress.

Being a GOOD listener is invaluable really. If a person can talk about the way they are feeling that in itself can help to release their emotions

I live not so far from the infamous Beachy Head, renowned as a choice for those who want to throw themselves over the cliff tops. even Locally some have driven their car over the clifftop.

Often break ups in relationships can cause great grief, anger and hurt, enough to make someone feel there is no more point in living.

Good friends can be ahelp at such a time-- if only they will just listen and be there for their friend through difficult times-- without any judgement.

If they realise how any family or friends that they leave behind will be hurt and upset-- and blame themselves. maybe that will make them think long enough to try to gather themselves together.

All these homeles people-- sleeping on the streets. what must it be like for them. Those who lose their jobs when families rely on them. Bad relationships.

even fathers who are kept away from their own children by their former partners-- as frequently happens. I have no idea why Japanese people may take their own lives. even though in the war they were told never to be taken prisoner-- rather commit seppaku----

where possible many can be saved if they have someone to turn to who can also help them over bad patches.
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(#37 (permalink))
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12-16-2010, 03:06 AM

Originally Posted by dogsbody70 View Post
real james wrote:

(Her mother said "if my husband tried to leave me for another girl I'd kill myself in front of him (as a punishment)".)

do you really believe that? Surely that is rather extreme. easy to say-- but in reality?
I saw a woman who jumped off the 19th floor after she fought with her husband about a hostess he was seeing. So, yes, it does happen. And he was a mess after wards.

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(#38 (permalink))
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12-16-2010, 11:59 AM

I think people suicide because the pain they have are just too much to bear. It's not a matter of their choice because no one want to die but when everything spins out of control and the load on their soulder is just too much. One might look to death as the only relief because death might be much esier to alive.

That's my 2 cents on the topic of suicide.



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